Displaying publications 121 - 140 of 398 in total

  1. Moyle RG, Manthey JD, Hosner PA, Rahman M, Lakim M, Sheldon FH
    PeerJ, 2017;5:e3335.
    PMID: 28533979 DOI: 10.7717/peerj.3335
    Topographically complex regions often contain the close juxtaposition of closely related species along elevational gradients. The evolutionary causes of these elevational replacements, and thus the origin and maintenance of a large portion of species diversity along elevational gradients, are usually unclear because ecological differentiation along a gradient or secondary contact following allopatric diversification can produce the same pattern. We used reduced representation genomic sequencing to assess genetic relationships and gene flow between three parapatric pairs of closely related songbird taxa (Arachnothera spiderhunters, Chloropsis leafbirds, and Enicurus forktails) along an elevational gradient in Borneo. Each taxon pair presents a different elevational range distribution across the island, yet results were uniform: little or no gene flow was detected in any pairwise comparisons. These results are congruent with an allopatric "species-pump" model for generation of species diversity and elevational parapatry of congeners on Borneo, rather than in situ generation of species by "ecological speciation" along an elevational gradient.
  2. Boo L, Ho WY, Mohd Ali N, Yeap SK, Ky H, Chan KG, et al.
    PeerJ, 2017;5:e3551.
    PMID: 28717596 DOI: 10.7717/peerj.3551
    Breast cancer spheroids have been widely used as in vitro models of cancer stem cells (CSCs), yet little is known about their phenotypic characteristics and microRNAs (miRNAs) expression profiles. The objectives of this research were to evaluate the phenotypic characteristics of MDA-MB-231 spheroid-enriched cells for their CSCs properties and also to determine their miRNAs expression profile. Similar to our previously published MCF-7 spheroid, MDA-MB-231 spheroid also showed typical CSCs characteristics namely self-renewability, expression of putative CSCs-related surface markers and enhancement of drug resistance. From the miRNA profile, miR-15b, miR-34a, miR-148a, miR-628 and miR-196b were shown to be involved in CSCs-associated signalling pathways in both models of spheroids, which highlights the involvement of these miRNAs in maintaining the CSCs features. In addition, unique clusters of miRNAs namely miR-205, miR-181a and miR-204 were found in basal-like spheroid whereas miR-125, miR-760, miR-30c and miR-136 were identified in luminal-like spheroid. Our results highlight the roles of miRNAs as well as novel perspectives of the relevant pathways underlying spheroid-enriched CSCs in breast cancer.
  3. Liew JWK, Fong MY, Lau YL
    PeerJ, 2017;5:e3577.
    PMID: 28761783 DOI: 10.7717/peerj.3577
    Quantitative reverse transcription PCR (qRT-PCR) has been an integral part of characterizing the immunity of Anopheles mosquitoes towards Plasmodium invasion. Two anti-Plasmodium factors of Anopheles, thioester-containing protein 1 (TEP1) and nitric oxide synthase (NOS), play a role in the refractoriness of Anopheles towards Plasmodium infection and are generally expressed during infection. However, these are less studied in Anopheles dirus, a dominant malaria vector in Southeast Asia. Furthermore, most studies used a single reference gene for normalization during gene expression analysis without proper validation. This may lead to erroneous quantification of expression levels. Therefore, the present study characterized and investigated the expression profiles of TEP1 and NOS of Anopheles dirus during P. berghei infection. Prior to that, the elongation factor 1-alpha (EF1), actin 1 (Act) and ribosomal protein S7 (S7) genes were validated for their suitability as a set of reference genes. TEP1 and NOS expressions in An. dirus were found to be significantly induced after P. berghei infection.
  4. El Habbash AI, Mohd Hashim N, Ibrahim MY, Yahayu M, Omer FAE, Abd Rahman M, et al.
    PeerJ, 2017;5:e3460.
    PMID: 28740747 DOI: 10.7717/peerj.3460
    Natural medicinal products possess diverse chemical structures and have been an essential source for drug discovery. Therefore, in this study, α-mangostin (AM) is a plant-derived compound was investigated for the apoptotic effect on human cervical cancer cells (HeLa). The cytotoxic effects of AM on the viability of HeLa and human normal ovarian cell line (SV40) were evaluated by using MTT assay. Results showed that AM inhibited HeLa cells viability at concentration- and time-dependent manner with IC50 value of 24.53 ± 1.48 µM at 24 h. The apoptogenic effects of AM on HeLa were assessed using fluorescence microscopy analysis. The effect of AM on cell proliferation was also studied through clonogenic assay. ROS production evaluation, flow cytometry (cell cycle) analysis, caspases 3/7, 8, and 9 assessment and multiple cytotoxicity assays were conducted to determine the mechanism of cell apoptosis. This was associated with G2/M phase cell cycle arrest and elevation in ROS production. AM induced mitochondrial apoptosis which was confirmed based on the significant increase in the levels of caspases 3/7 and 9 in a dose-dependent manner. Furthermore, the MMP disruption and increased cell permeability, concurrent with cytochrome c release from the mitochondria to the cytosol provided evidence that AM can induce apoptosis via mitochondrial-dependent pathway. AM exerted a remarkable antitumor effect and induced characteristic apoptogenic morphological changes on HeLa cells, which indicates the occurrence of cell death. This study reveals that AM could be a potential antitumor compound on cervical cancer in vitro and can be considered for further cervical cancer preclinical and in vivo testing.
  5. Megat Abdul Wahab R, Mohamed Rozali NA, Senafi S, Zainol Abidin IZ, Zainal Ariffin Z, Zainal Ariffin SH
    PeerJ, 2017;5:e3180.
    PMID: 28626603 DOI: 10.7717/peerj.3180
    BACKGROUND: Stem cells are normally isolated from dental pulps using the enzymatic digestion or the outgrowth method. However, the effects of the isolation method on the quality of the isolated stem cells are not studied in detail in murine models. The aim of this study was to compare the matrices secreted by osteoblast and chondrocytes differentiated from dental pulp stem cells isolated through different means.

    METHOD: DPSC from murine incisors were isolated through either the outgrowth (DPSC-OG) or the enzymatic digestion (DPSC-ED) method. Cells at passage 4 were used in this study. The cells were characterized through morphology and expression of cell surface markers. The cells' doubling time when cultured using different seeding densities was calculated and analyzed using one-way ANOVA and Tukey's multiple comparison post-test. The ability of cells to differentiate to chondrocyte and osteoblast was evaluated through staining and analysis on the matrices secreted.

    RESULTS: Gene expression analysis showed that DPSC-OG and DPSC-ED expressed dental pulp mesenchymal stem cell markers, but not hematopoietic stem cell markers. The least number of cells that could have been used to culture DPSC-OG and DPSC-ED with the shortest doubling time was 5 × 10(2) cells/cm(2) (11.49 ± 2.16 h) and 1 × 10(2) cells/cm(2) (10.55 h ± 0.50), respectively. Chondrocytes differentiated from DPSC-ED produced  2 times more proteoglycan and at a faster rate than DPSC-OG. FTIR revealed that DPSC-ED differentiated into osteoblast also secreted matrix, which more resembled a calvaria.

    DISCUSSION: Isolation approaches might have influenced the cell populations obtained. This, in turn, resulted in cells with different proliferation and differentiation capability. While both DPSC-OG and DPSC-ED expressed mesenchymal stem cell markers, the percentage of cells carrying each marker might have differed between the two methods. Regardless, enzymatic digestion clearly yielded cells with better characteristics than outgrowth.

  6. Waiho K, Fazhan H, Glenner H, Ikhwanuddin M
    PeerJ, 2017;5:e3419.
    PMID: 28674645 DOI: 10.7717/peerj.3419
    Screening of mud crab genus Scylla was conducted in four locations (Marudu Bay, Lundu, Taiping, Setiu) representing Malaysia. Scylla olivacea with abnormal primary and secondary sexual characters were prevalent (approximately 42.27% of the local screened S. olivacea population) in Marudu Bay, Sabah. A total of six different types of abnormalities were described. Crabs with type 1 and type 3 were immature males, type 2 and type 4 were mature males, type 5 were immature females and type 6 were mature females. The abdomen of all crabs with abnormalities were dented on both sides along the abdomen's middle line. Abnormal crabs showed significant variation in their size, weight, abdomen width and/or gonopod or pleopod length compared to normal individuals. The mean body weight of abnormal crabs (type 1-5) were higher than normal crabs with smaller body size, while females with type 6 abnormality were always heavier than the normal counterparts at any given size. Sacculinid's externa were observed in the abdomen of crabs with type 4 and type 6 abnormalities. The presence of embryos within the externa and subsequent molecular analysis of partial mitochondrial COI region confirmed the rhizocephalan parasite as Sacculina beauforti. Future in-depth descriptions of the life cycle and characteristics of S. beauforti are recommended as it involves a commercially important edible crab species and the effect on human health from the consumption of crabs is of crucial concern.
  7. Jayash SN, Hashim NM, Misran M, Baharuddin NA
    PeerJ, 2017;5:e3513.
    PMID: 28674665 DOI: 10.7717/peerj.3513
    BACKGROUND: Osteoprotegerin (OPG) is used for the systemic treatment of bone diseases, although it has many side effects. The aim of this study was to investigate a newly formulated OPG-chitosan gel for local application to repair bone defects. Recent studies have reported that immunodetection of osteopontin (OPN) and osteocalcin (OC) can be used to characterise osteogenesis and new bone formation.

    METHODS: The osteogenic potential of the OPG-chitosan gel was evaluated in rabbits. Critical-sized defects were created in the calvarial bone, which were either left unfilled (control; group I), or filled with chitosan gel (group II) or OPG-chitosan gel (group III), with rabbits sacrificed at 6 and 12 weeks. Bone samples from the surgical area were decalcified and treated with routine histological and immunohistochemical protocols using OC, OPN, and cathepsin K (osteoclast marker) antibodies. The toxicity of the OPG-chitosan gel was evaluated by biochemical assays (liver and kidney function tests).

    RESULTS: The mean bone growth in defects filled with the OPG-chitosan gel was significantly higher than those filled with the chitosan gel or the unfilled group (p 

  8. Maiangwa J, Mohamad Ali MS, Salleh AB, Rahman RNZRA, Normi YM, Mohd Shariff F, et al.
    PeerJ, 2017;5:e3341.
    PMID: 28533982 DOI: 10.7717/peerj.3341
    The dynamics and conformational landscape of proteins in organic solvents are events of potential interest in nonaqueous process catalysis. Conformational changes, folding transitions, and stability often correspond to structural rearrangements that alter contacts between solvent molecules and amino acid residues. However, in nonaqueous enzymology, organic solvents limit stability and further application of proteins. In the present study, molecular dynamics (MD) of a thermostable Geobacillus zalihae T1 lipase was performed in different chain length polar organic solvents (methanol, ethanol, propanol, butanol, and pentanol) and water mixture systems to a concentration of 50%. On the basis of the MD results, the structural deviations of the backbone atoms elucidated the dynamic effects of water/organic solvent mixtures on the equilibrium state of the protein simulations in decreasing solvent polarity. The results show that the solvent mixture gives rise to deviations in enzyme structure from the native one simulated in water. The drop in the flexibility in H2O, MtOH, EtOH and PrOH simulation mixtures shows that greater motions of residues were influenced in BtOH and PtOH simulation mixtures. Comparing the root mean square fluctuations value with the accessible solvent area (SASA) for every residue showed an almost correspondingly high SASA value of residues to high flexibility and low SASA value to low flexibility. The study further revealed that the organic solvents influenced the formation of more hydrogen bonds in MtOH, EtOH and PrOH and thus, it is assumed that increased intraprotein hydrogen bonding is ultimately correlated to the stability of the protein. However, the solvent accessibility analysis showed that in all solvent systems, hydrophobic residues were exposed and polar residues tended to be buried away from the solvent. Distance variation of the tetrahedral intermediate packing of the active pocket was not conserved in organic solvent systems, which could lead to weaknesses in the catalytic H-bond network and most likely a drop in catalytic activity. The conformational variation of the lid domain caused by the solvent molecules influenced its gradual opening. Formation of additional hydrogen bonds and hydrophobic interactions indicates that the contribution of the cooperative network of interactions could retain the stability of the protein in some solvent systems. Time-correlated atomic motions were used to characterize the correlations between the motions of the atoms from atomic coordinates. The resulting cross-correlation map revealed that the organic solvent mixtures performed functional, concerted, correlated motions in regions of residues of the lid domain to other residues. These observations suggest that varying lengths of polar organic solvents play a significant role in introducing dynamic conformational diversity in proteins in a decreasing order of polarity.
  9. Syed Yaacob SFF, Mohd Jamil AK, Kamboh MA, Wan Ibrahim WA, Mohamad S
    PeerJ, 2018;6:e5108.
    PMID: 30002963 DOI: 10.7717/peerj.5108
    Calixarene framework functionalized bio-polymeric magnetic composites (MSp-TDI-calix) were synthesized and utilized as magnetic solid-phase extraction (MSPE) sorbent for the extraction of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), namely indoprofen (INP), ketoprofen (KTP), ibuprofen (IBP) and fenoprofen (FNP), from environmental water samples. MSp-TDI-calix was characterized by FT-IR, XRD, FESEM, EDX, VSM and BET analysis, and the results were compared with Sp-TDI and Sp-TDI-calix. To maximize the extraction performance of MSp-TDI-calix decisive MSPE affective parameters such as sorbent amount, extraction time, sample volume, type of organic eluent, volume of organic eluent, desorption time and pH were comprehensively optimized prior to HPLC-DAD determination. The analytical validity of the proposed MSPE method was evaluated under optimized conditions and the following figures of merit were acquired: linearity with good determination coefficient (R2 ≥ 0.991) over the concentration range of 0.5-500 µg/L, limits of detection (LODs) ranged from 0.06-0.26 µg/L and limits of quantitation (LOQ) between 0.20-0.89 µg/L. Excellent reproducibility and repeatability under harsh environment with inter-day and intra-day relative standard deviations were obtained in the range of 2.5-3.2% and 2.4-3.9% respectively. The proposed method was successfully applied for analysis of NSAIDs in tap water, drinking water and river water with recovery efficiency ranging from 88.1-115.8% with %RSD of 1.6-4.6%.
  10. Al-Madhagi WM, Mohd Hashim N, Awad Ali NA, Alhadi AA, Abdul Halim SN, Othman R
    PeerJ, 2018;6:e4839.
    PMID: 29892499 DOI: 10.7717/peerj.4839
    Background: Peperomia belongs to the family of Piperaceae. It has different uses in folk medicine and contains rare compounds that have led to increased interest in this genus. Peperomia blanda (Jacq.) Kunth is used as an injury disinfectant by Yemeni people. In addition, the majority of Yemen's population still depend on the traditional remedy for serious diseases such as cancer, inflammation and infection. Currently, there is a deficiency of scientific evidence with regards to the medicinal plants from Yemen. Therefore, this study was performed to assess the chemical profile and in vitro antioxidant and cytotoxic activities of P. blanda.

    Methods: Chemical profiling of P. blanda was carried out using gas chromatography mass spectrometry (GCMS) followed by isolation of bioactive compounds by column chromatography. DPPH• and FRAP assays were used to evaluate antioxidant activity and the MTT assay was performed to estimate the cytotoxicity activity against three cancer cell lines, namely MCF-7, HL-60 and WEHI-3, and three normal cell lines, MCF10A, WRL-68 and HDFa.

    Results: X-ray crystallographic data for peperomin A is reported for the first time here and N,N'-diphenethyloxamide was isolated for the first time from Peperomia blanda. Methanol and dichloromethane extracts showed high radical scavenging activity with an IC50 of 36.81 ± 0.09 µg/mL, followed by the dichloromethane extract at 61.78 ± 0.02 µg/mL, whereas the weak ferric reducing activity of P. blanda extracts ranging from 162.2 ± 0.80 to 381.5 ± 1.31 µg/mL were recorded. In addition, petroleum ether crude extract exhibited the highest cytotoxic activity against all the tested cancer cell lines with IC50 values of 9.54 ± 0.30, 4.30 ± 0.90 and 5.39 ± 0.34 µg/mL, respectively. Peperomin A and the isolated mixture of phytosterol (stigmasterol and β-sitosterol) exhibited cytotoxic activity against MCF-7 and WE-HI cell lines with an IC50 of (5.58 ± 0.47, 4.62 ± 0.03 µg/mL) and (8.94 ± 0.05, 9.84 ± 0.61 µg/mL), respectively, compared to a standard drug, taxol, that has IC50 values of 3.56 ± 0.34 and 1.90 ± 0.9 µg/mL, respectively.

    Conclusion: The activities of P. blanda extracts and isolated compounds recorded in this study underlines the potential that makes this plant a valuable source for further study on anticancer and antioxidant activities.

  11. Tan MS, Chang SW, Cheah PL, Yap HJ
    PeerJ, 2018;6:e5285.
    PMID: 30065881 DOI: 10.7717/peerj.5285
    Although most of the cervical cancer cases are reported to be closely related to the Human Papillomavirus (HPV) infection, there is a need to study genes that stand up differentially in the final actualization of cervical cancers following HPV infection. In this study, we proposed an integrative machine learning approach to analyse multiple gene expression profiles in cervical cancer in order to identify a set of genetic markers that are associated with and may eventually aid in the diagnosis or prognosis of cervical cancers. The proposed integrative analysis is composed of three steps: namely, (i) gene expression analysis of individual dataset; (ii) meta-analysis of multiple datasets; and (iii) feature selection and machine learning analysis. As a result, 21 gene expressions were identified through the integrative machine learning analysis which including seven supervised and one unsupervised methods. A functional analysis with GSEA (Gene Set Enrichment Analysis) was performed on the selected 21-gene expression set and showed significant enrichment in a nine-potential gene expression signature, namely PEG3, SPON1, BTD and RPLP2 (upregulated genes) and PRDX3, COPB2, LSM3, SLC5A3 and AS1B (downregulated genes).
  12. Laghari M, Sulaiman SAS, Khan AH, Memon N
    PeerJ, 2018;6:e5253.
    PMID: 30065869 DOI: 10.7717/peerj.5253
    Background: Regardless of the advancement in medical technologies, the diagnosis of tuberculosis (TB) in children has remained a challenge. Childhood TB is rampant and an important cause of morbidity and mortality. The objective of this study was to determine the trend of TB and treatment outcomes in children aged ≤14 years registered for TB treatment under DOTS course in three districts of Sindh, Pakistan.

    Methods: For this retrospective study, records of TB children (≤14 years) registered for the treatment of TB from January 2011 to December 2015 in three districts of Pakistan, were collected. Demographic data, baseline weight, clinical manifestations, radiography, histopathology results and treatment outcomes were collected from TB unit registers.

    Results: A total of 2,167 children were treated for TB during the study period. Of these, 1,199 (55.3%) were females and 1,242 (57.3%) were from urban areas. Over three-quarter of patients (76.9%) had pulmonary TB with 13.3% of sputum smear positive cases. The overall treatment success rate was 92.4%. In multivariate analysis, rural residents (OR: 2.146, p 

  13. Yap HYY, Tan NH, Ng ST, Tan CS, Fung SY
    PeerJ, 2018;6:e4940.
    PMID: 29888137 DOI: 10.7717/peerj.4940
    Background: The highly valued medicinal tiger milk mushroom (also known as Lignosus rhinocerus) has the ability to cure numerous ailments. Its anticancer activities are well explored, and recently a partially purified cytotoxic protein fraction termed F5 from the mushroom's sclerotial cold water extract consisting mainly of fungal serine proteases was found to exhibit potent selective cytotoxicity against a human breast adenocarcinoma cell line (MCF7) with IC50 value of 3.00 μg/ml. However, characterization of its cell death-inducing activity has yet to be established.

    Methods: The mechanism involved in the cytotoxic activities of F5 against MCF7 cells was elucidated by flow cytometry-based apoptosis detection, caspases activity measurement, and expression profiling of apoptosis markers by western blotting. Molecular attributes of F5 were further mined from L. rhinocerus's published genome and transcriptome for future exploration.

    Results and Discussion: Apoptosis induction in MCF7 cells by F5 may involve a cross-talk between the extrinsic and intrinsic apoptotic pathways with upregulation of caspase-8 and -9 activities and a marked decrease of Bcl-2. On the other hand, the levels of pro-apoptotic Bax, BID, and cleaved BID were increased accompanied by observable actin cleavage. At gene level, F5 composed of three predicted non-synonymous single nucleotide polymorphisms (T > C) and an alternative 5' splice site.

    Conclusions: Findings from this study provide an advanced framework for further investigations on cancer therapeutics development from L. rhinocerus.

  14. Ng AWR, Tan PJ, Hoo WPY, Liew DS, Teo MYM, Siak PY, et al.
    PeerJ, 2018;6:e5056.
    PMID: 30042874 DOI: 10.7717/peerj.5056
    Background: Somatic point substitution mutations in the KRAS proto-oncogene primarily affect codons 12/13 where glycine is converted into other amino acids, and are highly prevalent in pancreatic, colorectal, and non-small cell lung cancers. These cohorts are non-responsive to anti-EGFR treatments, and are left with non-specific chemotherapy regimens as their sole treatment options. In the past, the development of peptide vaccines for cancer treatment was reported to have poor AT properties when inducing immune responses. Utilization of bioinformatics tools have since become an interesting approach in improving the design of peptide vaccines based on T- and B-cell epitope predictions.

    Methods: In this study, the region spanning exon 2 from the 4th to 18th codon within the peptide sequence of wtKRAS was chosen for sequence manipulation. Mutated G12V and G13D K-ras controls were generated in silico, along with additional single amino acid substitutions flanking the original codon 12/13 mutations. IEDB was used for assessing human and mouse MHC class I/II epitope predictions, as well as linear B-cell epitopes predictions, while RNA secondary structure prediction was performed via CENTROIDFOLD. A scoring and ranking system was established in order to shortlist top mimotopes whereby normalized and reducing weighted scores were assigned to peptide sequences based on seven immunological parameters. Among the top 20 ranked peptide sequences, peptides of three mimotopes were synthesized and subjected to in vitro and in vivo immunoassays. Mice PBMCs were treated in vitro and subjected to cytokine assessment using CBA assay. Thereafter, mice were immunized and sera were subjected to IgG-based ELISA.

    Results: In silico immunogenicity prediction using IEDB tools shortlisted one G12V mimotope (68-V) and two G13D mimotopes (164-D, 224-D) from a total of 1,680 candidates. Shortlisted mimotopes were predicted to promote high MHC-II and -I affinities with optimized B-cell epitopes. CBA assay indicated that: 224-D induced secretions of IL-4, IL-5, IL-10, IL-12p70, and IL-21; 164-D triggered IL-10 and TNF-α; while 68-V showed no immunological responses. Specific-IgG sera titers against mutated K-ras antigens from 164-D immunized Balb/c mice were also elevated post first and second boosters compared to wild-type and G12/G13 controls.

    Discussion: In silico-guided predictions of mutated K-ras T- and B-cell epitopes were successful in identifying two immunogens with high predictive scores, Th-bias cytokine induction and IgG-specific stimulation. Developments of such immunogens are potentially useful for future immunotherapeutic and diagnostic applications against KRAS(+) malignancies, monoclonal antibody production, and various other research and development initiatives.

  15. Kabir MF, Mohd Ali J, Haji Hashim O
    PeerJ, 2018;6:e5203.
    PMID: 30042885 DOI: 10.7717/peerj.5203
    Background: We have previously reported anticancer activities of Melicope ptelefolia (MP) leaf extracts on four different cancer cell lines. However, the underlying mechanisms of actions have yet to be deciphered. In the present study, the anticancer activity of MP hexane extract (MP-HX) on colorectal (HCT116) and hepatocellular carcinoma (HepG2) cell lines was characterized through microarray gene expression profiling.

    Methods: HCT116 and HepG2 cells were treated with MP-HX for 24 hr. Total RNA was extracted from the cells and used for transcriptome profiling using Applied Biosystem GeneChip™ Human Gene 2.0 ST Array. Gene expression data was analysed using an Applied Biosystems Expression Console and Transcriptome Analysis Console software. Pathway enrichment analyses was performed using Ingenuity Pathway Analysis (IPA) software. The microarray data was validated by profiling the expression of 17 genes through quantitative reverse transcription PCR (RT-qPCR).

    Results: MP-HX induced differential expression of 1,290 and 1,325 genes in HCT116 and HepG2 cells, respectively (microarray data fold change, MA_FC ≥ ±2.0). The direction of gene expression change for the 17 genes assayed through RT-qPCR agree with the microarray data. In both cell lines, MP-HX modulated the expression of many genes in directions that support antiproliferative activity. IPA software analyses revealed MP-HX modulated canonical pathways, networks and biological processes that are associated with cell cycle, DNA replication, cellular growth and cell proliferation. In both cell lines, upregulation of genes which promote apoptosis, cell cycle arrest and growth inhibition were observed, while genes that are typically overexpressed in diverse human cancers or those that promoted cell cycle progression, DNA replication and cellular proliferation were downregulated. Some of the genes upregulated by MP-HX include pro-apoptotic genes (DDIT3, BBC3, JUN), cell cycle arresting (CDKN1A, CDKN2B), growth arrest/repair (TP53, GADD45A) and metastasis suppression (NDRG1). MP-HX downregulated the expression of genes that could promote anti-apoptotic effect, cell cycle progression, tumor development and progression, which include BIRC5, CCNA2, CCNB1, CCNB2, CCNE2, CDK1/2/6, GINS2, HELLS, MCM2/10 PLK1, RRM2 and SKP2. It is interesting to note that all six top-ranked genes proposed to be cancer-associated (PLK1, MCM2, MCM3, MCM7, MCM10 and SKP2) were downregulated by MP-HX in both cell lines.

    Discussion: The present study showed that the anticancer activities of MP-HX are exerted through its actions on genes regulating apoptosis, cell proliferation, DNA replication and cell cycle progression. These findings further project the potential use of MP as a nutraceutical agent for cancer therapeutics.

  16. Abbasi MA, Hassan M, Aziz-Ur-Rehman, Siddiqui SZ, Shah SAA, Raza H, et al.
    PeerJ, 2018;6:e4962.
    PMID: 29967717 DOI: 10.7717/peerj.4962
    The present study comprises the synthesis of a new series of sulfonamides derived from 4-methoxyphenethylamine (1). The synthesis was initiated by the reaction of 1 with 4-methylbenzenesulfonyl chloride (2) in aqueous sodium carbonate solution at pH 9 to yield N-(4-methoxyphenethyl)-4-methylbenzensulfonamide (3).This parent molecule 3 was subsequently treated with various alkyl/aralkyl halides, (4a-j), using N,N-dimethylformamide (DMF) as solvent and LiH as activator to produce a series of new N-(4-methoxyphenethyl)-N-(substituted)-4-methylbenzenesulfonamides (5a-j). The structural characterization of these derivatives was carried out by spectroscopic techniques like IR, 1H-NMR, and 13C-NMR. The elemental analysis data was also coherent with spectral data of these molecules. The inhibitory effects on acetylcholinesterase and DPPH were evaluated and it was observed that N-(4-Methoxyphenethyl)-4-methyl-N-(2-propyl)benzensulfonamide (5c) showed acetylcholinesterase inhibitory activity 0.075 ± 0.001 (IC50 0.075 ± 0.001 µM) comparable to Neostigmine methylsulfate (IC50 2.038 ± 0.039 µM).The docking studies of synthesized ligands 5a-j were also carried out against acetylcholinesterase (PDBID 4PQE) to compare the binding affinities with IC50 values. The kinetic mechanism analyzed by Lineweaver-Burk plots demonstrated that compound (5c) inhibits the acetylcholinesterase competitively to form an enzyme inhibitor complex. The inhibition constants Ki calculated from Dixon plots for compound (5c) is 2.5 µM. It was also found from kinetic analysis that derivative 5c irreversible enzyme inhibitor complex. It is proposed on the basis of our investigation that title compound 5c may serve as lead structure for the design of more potent acetylcholinesterase inhibitors.
  17. Ab Mutalib NS, Othman SN, Mohamad Yusof A, Abdullah Suhaimi SN, Muhammad R, Jamal R
    PeerJ, 2016;4:e2119.
    PMID: 27350898 DOI: 10.7717/peerj.2119
    Background. Papillary thyroid carcinoma (PTC) is the commonest thyroid malignancy originating from the follicle cells in the thyroid. Despite a good overall prognosis, certain high-risk cases as in those with lymph node metastasis (LNM) have progressive disease and poorer prognosis. MicroRNAs are a class of non-protein-coding, 19-24 nucleotides single-stranded RNAs which regulate gene expression and these molecules have been shown to play a role in LNM. The integrated analysis of miRNAs and gene expression profiles together with transcription factors (TFs) has been shown to improve the identification of functional miRNA-target gene-TF relationships, providing a more complete view of molecular events underlying metastasis process. Objectives. We reanalyzed The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) datasets on PTC to identify differentially expressed miRNAs/genes in PTC patients with LNM-positive (LNM-P) versus lymph node negative (LNN) PTC patients and to investigate the miRNA-gene-TF regulatory circuit that regulate LNM in PTC. Results. PTC patients with LNM (PTC LNM-P) have a significantly shorter disease-free survival rate compared to PTC patients without LNM (PTC LNN) (Log-rank Mantel Cox test, p = 0.0049). We identified 181 significantly differentially expressed miRNAs in PTC LNM-P versus PTC LNN; 110 were upregulated and 71 were downregulated. The five topmost deregulated miRNAs were hsa-miR-146b, hsa-miR-375, hsa-miR-31, hsa-miR-7-2 and hsa-miR-204. In addition, 395 miRNAs were differentially expressed between PTC LNM-P and normal thyroid while 400 miRNAs were differentially expressed between PTC LNN and normal thyroid. We found four significant enrichment pathways potentially involved in metastasis to the lymph nodes, namely oxidative phosphorylation (OxPhos), cell adhesion molecules (CAMs), leukocyte transendothelial migration and cytokine-cytokine receptor interaction. OxPhos was the most significantly perturbed pathway (p = 4.70E-06) involving downregulation of 90 OxPhos-related genes. Significant interaction of hsa-miR-301b with HLF, HIF and REL/NFkB transcription factors were identified exclusively in PTC LNM-P versus PTC LNN. Conclusion. We found evidence of five miRNAs differentially expressed in PTC LNM-P. Alteration in OxPhos pathway could be the central event in metastasis to the lymph node in PTC. We postulate that hsa-miR-301b might be involved in regulating LNM in PTC via interactions with HLF, HIF and REL/NFkB. To the best of our knowledge, the roles of these TFs have been studied in PTC but the precise role of this miRNA with these TFs in LNM in PTC has not been investigated.
  18. Abdullah MI, Lee CC, Mat Junit S, Ng KL, Hashim OH
    PeerJ, 2016;4:e2450.
    PMID: 27672505 DOI: 10.7717/peerj.2450
    Papillary thyroid cancer (PTC) is mainly diagnosed using fine-needle aspiration biopsy. This most common form of well-differentiated thyroid cancer occurs with or without a background of benign thyroid goiter (BTG).
  19. Looi HK, Toh YF, Yew SM, Na SL, Tan YC, Chong PS, et al.
    PeerJ, 2017;5:e2841.
    PMID: 28149676 DOI: 10.7717/peerj.2841
    Corynespora cassiicola is a common plant pathogen that causes leaf spot disease in a broad range of crop, and it heavily affect rubber trees in Malaysia (Hsueh, 2011; Nghia et al., 2008). The isolation of UM 591 from a patient's contact lens indicates the pathogenic potential of this dematiaceous fungus in human. However, the underlying factors that contribute to the opportunistic cross-infection have not been fully studied. We employed genome sequencing and gene homology annotations in attempt to identify these factors in UM 591 using data obtained from publicly available bioinformatics databases. The assembly size of UM 591 genome is 41.8 Mbp, and a total of 13,531 (≥99 bp) genes have been predicted. UM 591 is enriched with genes that encode for glycoside hydrolases, carbohydrate esterases, auxiliary activity enzymes and cell wall degrading enzymes. Virulent genes comprising of CAZymes, peptidases, and hypervirulence-associated cutinases were found to be present in the fungal genome. Comparative analysis result shows that UM 591 possesses higher number of carbohydrate esterases family 10 (CE10) CAZymes compared to other species of fungi in this study, and these enzymes hydrolyses wide range of carbohydrate and non-carbohydrate substrates. Putative melanin, siderophore, ent-kaurene, and lycopene biosynthesis gene clusters are predicted, and these gene clusters denote that UM 591 are capable of protecting itself from the UV and chemical stresses, allowing it to adapt to different environment. Putative sterigmatocystin, HC-toxin, cercosporin, and gliotoxin biosynthesis gene cluster are predicted. This finding have highlighted the necrotrophic and invasive nature of UM 591.
  20. Mithoo-Singh PK, Keng FS, Phang SM, Leedham Elvidge EC, Sturges WT, Malin G, et al.
    PeerJ, 2017;5:e2918.
    PMID: 28149690 DOI: 10.7717/peerj.2918
    Five tropical seaweeds, Kappaphycus alvarezii (Doty) Doty ex P.C. Silva, Padina australis Hauck, Sargassum binderi Sonder ex J. Agardh (syn. S. aquifolium (Turner) C. Agardh), Sargassum siliquosum J. Agardh and Turbinaria conoides (J. Agardh) Kützing, were incubated in seawater of pH 8.0, 7.8 (ambient), 7.6, 7.4 and 7.2, to study the effects of changing seawater pH on halocarbon emissions. Eight halocarbon species known to be emitted by seaweeds were investigated: bromoform (CHBr3), dibro-momethane (CH2Br2), iodomethane (CH3I), diiodomethane (CH2I2), bromoiodomethane (CH2BrI), bromochlorometh-ane (CH2BrCl), bromodichloromethane (CHBrCl2), and dibro-mochloromethane (CHBr2Cl). These very short-lived halocarbon gases are believed to contribute to stratospheric halogen concentrations if released in the tropics. It was observed that the seaweeds emit all eight halocarbons assayed, with the exception of K. alvarezii and S. binderi for CH2I2 and CH3I respectively, which were not measurable at the achievable limit of detection. The effect of pH on halocarbon emission by the seaweeds was shown to be species-specific and compound specific. The highest percentage changes in emissions for the halocarbons of interest were observed at the lower pH levels of 7.2 and 7.4 especially in Padina australis and Sargassum spp., showing that lower seawater pH causes elevated emissions of some halocarbon compounds. In general the seaweed least affected by pH change in terms of types of halocarbon emission, was P. australis. The commercially farmed seaweed K. alvarezii was very sensitive to pH change as shown by the high increases in most of the compounds in all pH levels relative to ambient. In terms of percentage decrease in maximum quantum yield of photosynthesis (Fv∕Fm) prior to and after incubation, there were no significant correlations with the various pH levels tested for all seaweeds. The correlation between percentage decrease in the maximum quantum yield of photosynthesis (Fv∕Fm) and halocarbon emission rates, was significant only for CH2BrCl emission by P. australis (r = 0.47; p ≤ 0.04), implying that photosynthesis may not be closely linked to halocarbon emissions by the seaweeds studied. Bromine was the largest contributor to the total mass of halogen emitted for all the seaweeds at all pH. The highest total amount of bromine emitted by K. alvarezii (an average of 98% of total mass of halogens) and the increase in the total amount of chlorine with decreasing seawater pH fuels concern for the expanding seaweed farming activities in the ASEAN region.
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