CASE: We report on a 19-year-old who is phenotypically male, with a 46,XX/46,XY mosaicism karyotype, who presented later in life with cyclical abdominal pain that resembled menstrual cramps and unilateral undescended testes.
SUMMARY AND CONCLUSION: He underwent laparoscopic hysterectomy and right salpingo-oophorectomy, resulting in cessation of his symptoms and improved sperm count.
LEARNING POINTS: Rapid onset of hyperandrogenic symptoms, especially if associated with signs of virilisation must raise the suspicion of an androgen-secreting tumour. Total serum testosterone greater than twofold the upper limit of the reference range or free androgen indices over fivefold suggest a diagnosis other than polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS). High levels of testosterone with normal levels of the DHEA-S suggest an ovarian source. Ovarian androgen-secreting tumour and HAIR-AN syndrome, an extreme spectrum of PCOS can co-exist.