Displaying all 2 publications

  1. Kaul U, Patel TM, Zambahari R, Mullasari AS, Bahl VK, Stuteville M, et al.
    Indian Heart J, 2011 Sep-Oct;63(5):402-8.
    PMID: 23550416
    Asian patients have a uniquely high risk for heart disease compared to other ethnicities. Past drug eluting stent trials have examined mainly populations of European heritage. As a significant proportion of the real world population in the SPIRIT V single arm study is Asian, the study provides insight into how this population responds to stenting with the XIENCE V Everolimus Eluting Coronary Stent (EES).
  2. Tan JW, Chew DP, Abdul Kader MAS, Ako J, Bahl VK, Chan M, et al.
    Eur Cardiol, 2021 Feb;16:e02.
    PMID: 33708263 DOI: 10.15420/ecr.2020.40
    The unique characteristics of patients with acute coronary syndrome in the Asia-Pacific region mean that international guidelines on the use of dual antiplatelet therapy (DAPT) cannot be routinely applied to these populations. Newer generation P2Y12 inhibitors (i.e. ticagrelor and prasugrel) have demonstrated improved clinical outcomes compared with clopidogrel. However, low numbers of Asian patients participated in pivotal studies and few regional studies comparing DAPTs have been conducted. This article aims to summarise current evidence on the use of newer generation P2Y12 inhibitors in Asian patients with acute coronary syndrome and provide recommendations to assist clinicians, especially cardiologists, in selecting a DAPT regimen. Guidance is provided on the management of ischaemic and bleeding risks, including duration of therapy, switching strategies and the management of patients with ST-elevation and non-ST-elevation MI or those requiring surgery. In particular, the need for an individualised DAPT regimen and considerations relating to switching, de-escalating, stopping or continuing DAPT beyond 12 months are discussed.
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