Pontamine fast scarlet 4B is a red paper and textiles dye that has recently been introduced as a fluorescent probe for plant cell walls. Pontamine exhibits bifluorescence, or fluorescence dependent on the polarization of the excitation light: Because cellulose is aligned within the cell wall, pontamine-labelled cell walls exhibit variable fluorescence as the excitation polarization is modulated. Thus, bifluorescence measurements require polarized excitation that can be directly or indirectly modulated. In our confocal microscopy observations of various cellulose samples labelled with pontamine, we modulated excitation polarization either through sample rotation or by the confocal's scanfield rotation function. This variably rotated laser polarizations on Leica confocal microscopes, but not those from other makers. Beginning with samples with directly observable microfibril orientations, such as purified bacterial cellulose, the velamen of orchid roots and the inner S2 layer of radiata pine compression wood, we demonstrate that modelling the variations in pontamine fluorescence with a sine curve can be used to measure the known microfibril angles. We then measured average local microfibril angles in radiata pine samples, and showed similar microfibril angles in compression and normal (opposite) wood. Significantly, bifluorescence measurements might also be used to understand the degree of local cellulose alignment within the cell wall, as opposed to variations in the overall cellulose angle.
Understanding the mechanisms through which plants generate secondary cell walls is of more than academic interest: the physical properties of plant-derived materials, including timber and textiles, all depend upon secondary wall cellulose organization. Processes controlling cellulose in the secondary cell wall and their reliance on microtubules have been documented in recent decades, but this understanding is complicated, as secondary walls normally form in the plant's interior where live cell imaging is more difficult. We investigated secondary wall formation in the orchid velamen, a multicellular epidermal layer found around orchid roots that consists of dead cells with lignified secondary cell walls. The patterns of cell wall ridges that form within the velamen vary between different orchid species, but immunolabelling demonstrated that wall deposition is controlled by microtubules. As these patterning events occur at the outer surface of the root, and as orchids are adaptable for tissue culture and genetic manipulation, we conclude that the orchid root velamen may indeed be a suitable model system for studying the organization of the plant cell wall. Notably, roots of the commonly grown orchid Laelia anceps appear ideally suited for developing this research.