A stable population at risk of Malaysian schistosomiasis was studied. Census results indicated that approximately one-fourth of the inhabitants used a stream where Schistosoma malayensis-infected snails were present as their principal source of water for bathing, drinking, and household tasks. The general population also contacted this stream when fording it or while fishing. Serological surveys using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and the circumoval precipitin (COP) test revealed six (9%) and three (4%) positives, respectively, among 67 persons examined. No schistosome ova were found in a general survey of 56 persons which included five ELISA positive and two COP test positive patients. ELISA and COP test prevalences among those dependent on the foci of transmission for water, 13 and 7% respectively, were only slightly higher than prevalences among the remainder of the population, 8 and 4% respectively. These results indicate that even among a stable population at risk of Malaysian schistosomiasis the prevalence is low. Our findings support the hypothesis that S. malayensis is a zoonotic infection in man and that it is unlikely to become a significant public health problem.
Mass drug administration via 3 modes of delivery reduced the incidence and prevalence rates and intensity of Brugia malayi infection in 3 rural villages in the Bengkoka Peninsula, Sabah, in 1982-1983. A dosage of 6 mg diethylcarbamazine citrate (DEC-C)/kg body weight was administered either daily or weekly (total of 6 doses, 36 mg/kg body weight), and impact on B. malayi cases were comparable in the 3 villages. A total of 384 people participated in the DEC-C regimens, and all pregnant women and children under 2 years were excluded from the study. Bekessy's method of estimation of incidence and recovery rates was applied to data on B. malayi microfilaremia before drug administration. Treatment with DEC-C by any of the 3 modes of delivery drastically reduced the number of episodes of patent microfilaremia, incidence and prevalence, and median microfilarial density. Reduction was sustained for at least 18 to 24 months after treatment.