Blood pressure (BP) measurement was first recorded in 1700's by Hales who concluded that it was due to a pressure in the blood (1 , 2]. This is his well renowned discovery besides his other experiments on the capacity of ventricles and many other feature of circulatory system. The development of BP measurement was then rather quiet until about a century later. The accurate study of BP started with the introduction of mercury manometer by Poiseuille in 1800's who demonstrated that the arterial pressure was maintained in smaller arteries and that the blood flow through mesenteric bed did not depend on development of the venous change but varied directly with arterial pressure [3]. In the year of 1928, Poiseuille work was recognised when he won the gold medal of Royal Academy of Medicine for his doctoral dissertation on the measurement of BP using mercury manometer that was directly inserted with cannula filled with potassium bicarbonate as anticoagulant into an artery [3]. Later, his invention has enabled Carl Ludwig to develop kymograph, a method to record clinical physiological data including the BP measurements [3]. (Copied from article).
Background: Muscular pain is the most common symptom associated to muscular skeletal disorders (MSDs). Dentists were exposed to ergonomic hazards while treating the patients. Without proper dental ergonomics, they are predisposed to the MSDs. Objective: This present study was designed to analyse the prevalence of muscular pain among practising dentists in Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) and it relatedness to ergonomic factors. Methodology: A total of 25 dentists were participated in this pilot study. The inclusion criteria include working experience of at least six months and those who were readily diagnosed with musculoskeletal disorders were excluded. A self-administered questionaire was employed to gather demogaphic informations and close ended (“yes” or “no”) questions were asked to assess the muscular pain experienced in the last 12 months. The collected data were then analysed statistically. Result: The result showed a 100% response rate. 92% of the respondents were reported to experience muscular pain, particularly on the upper body parts. Only maintenance of same postures without microbreaks and performing torsions or cervical flexions to improve vision of oral cavity correlate significantly (P