MATERIALS AND METHODS: A comprehensive research for studies that focused on the COVID-19 pandemic and orthodontic care up to August 18, 2020, with no language restriction. The databases included PubMed, MEDLINE, Scopus, Google Scholar, and COVID-19 Open Research Dataset (CORD-19) 2020. The research was focused on presenting symptoms, disease transmission, infection control, orthodontic care, and financial implications affecting the delivery of orthodontic treatment. The research also included reports from major health policy regulatory bodies such as World Health Organization, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, European Centre for Disease Control and Prevention, and major international dental and orthodontic societies and associations. The peer-reviewed publications and guidelines from the health regulatory authorities were given priority.
RESULTS: The latest information on the SARS-CoV-2 virus effects and orthodontic implications were arranged sequentially. The SARS-CoV-2 virus mode of transmission and its prevention were emphasized to keep the orthodontic and dental operatory safe for continuing practice.
CONCLUSION: The COVID-19 outbreak has changed the way orthodontics is practiced. Strict infection control, near-zero aerosol production, and minimal touch dentistry are the keys to prevent contamination of orthodontic operatory. During the pandemic, only emergency orthodontic procedures could be extended to the orthodontic patient while adhering to all the regulatory guidelines. Fortunately, to date, there is no reported case of cross-transmission of the SARS-CoV-2 virus at the dental setup.
METHODS: Bone thickness of the IZC region of 50 young adults (25 males and 25 females) aged 18-30 years were evaluated using cone-beam computed tomography images. The infrazygomatic bone thickness along the distobuccal root of the permanent maxillary first molar was assessed at various insertion angles (40° to 75° i.r.t the maxillary occlusal plane) with an increment of 5°. Student's t-test was used to compare the IZC bone thickness and height at the orthodontic miniscrew insertion site for males and females on the right and left sides.
RESULTS: The bone thickness of the IZC region above the distobuccal root of the permanent maxillary first molar was estimated between 4.39±0.25 mm and 9.03±0.45 mm for insertion angles from 40° to 75° to the maxillary occlusal plane. The corresponding OMSI insertion heights were 17.71±0.61 mm to 13.69±0.75 mm, respectively, above the maxillary occlusal plane. There were statistically significant gender and side-wise variations in bone thickness at the IZC area and insertion height.
CONCLUSION: The safe position for OMSI placement at the IZC was 13.69-16 mm from the maxillary occlusal plane with an insertion angle between 55° and 75°. These parameters provide the optimum placement of OMSIs along the distobuccal root of the permanent maxillary first molar.