The morphologic findings on a peripheral blood smear can provide important clues that help establish a diagnosis or guide the workup of many clinical disorders. Finding a blast - whether clinically expected or not - is one of the most impactful of such findings. Pathologists, clinical haematologists, technologists, and trainees in the medical field often feel the need to refer to an illustrated reference when encountering suspected blasts and blast-mimics. This article provides a practical concise resource that demonstrates the morphological features of the various types of blasts and illustrates the cytologic characteristics that help distinguish them from their benign mimickers in the paediatric population.
In this article, we provide an illustrated review that may serve as a microscope companion, as well as a reference for the diagnosis of red blood cells alterations and the interpretation of their significance. Beginners in the fields of clinical haematology and haematopathology may benefit from this manuscript's brevity and practical points, while the more advanced will find it useful as a teaching tool.
Medium-chain acyl CoA dehydrogenase deficiency (MCADD) and other inborn errors of metabolism are common causes of Sudden Unexpected Deaths in Infancy (SUDI). If identified early or before metabolic decompensation, MCADD is manageable. In the US and other countries, identification of MCADD has improved through the routine use of newborn screening (NBS), which is able to identify most cases. This case study presented here occurred before NBS was implemented in Ohio for MCADD and outlines the typical clinical presentation, pathological features, and relevant biochemical and molecular markers for identifying MCADD. Genetic counselling should be sought for the family if MCADD is identified.
Platelets, along with coagulation factors and vasculature, represent the three main compartments of hemostasis. Upon investigation of a suspected hemostasis disorder, platelet count, size and morphology often offer important clues to the diagnosis or help narrow the differential diagnosis. In this review, we describe a general approach to diagnosing platelet disorders, starting with easily obtained data such as findings of complete blood count (CBC) and microscopic review of a stained peripheral blood smear. We discuss general findings that help separate consumptive from underproduction thrombocytopenia. We further touch on inherited thrombocytopenia disorders after classifying them into those associated with small, normal sized or large platelets. Illustrative microscopic images are provided where contributory. We conclude with a suggested algorithmic step-by-step approach to investigating a suspected platelet disorder in children.
Tonsillectomy is among the most commonly performed operations in children. Although follicular lymphoid hyperplasia is usually the main and only pathologic finding at microscopic examination, a variety of other rare but important pathologic changes may be encountered. This review aims to provide an inclusive practical resource and reference for both training and practising pathologists. It discusses the spectrum of pathologic findings, including both neoplastic and non-neoplastic conditions and provides illustrative images.