The effect of ultrasound treatment on molecular mobility and organization of the main components in raw goat milk was studied by EPR and NMR spectroscopies. NMR relaxation studies showed an increase in the spin-lattice T1 and spin-spin T2 relaxation times in goat milk products (cream, anhydrous fat) and change in the diffusion of proton-containing molecules during ultrasound treatment. The diffusion became more uniform and could be rather accurately approximated by one effective diffusion coefficient Deff, which indicates homogenization of goat milk components, dispersion of globular and supermicellar formations under sonication. EPR studies have shown that molecular mobility and organization of hydrophobic regions in goat milk are similar to those observed in micellar formations of surfactants with a hydrocarbon chain length C12-C16. Ultrasound treatment did not affect submicellar and protein globule organization. Free radicals arising under ultrasound impact of milk reacted quickly with components of goat milk (triglycerides, proteins, fatty acids) and were not observed by spin trapping method.
Methods of NMR relaxation and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) were used to study the crystallization of anhydrous milk fat (AMF) obtained from milk and subjected to ultrasonic (US) processing. Amongst the changes in the crystallization nature under the influence of ultrasound are the decrease in the crystallization temperature and the increase in the melting enthalpy of the anhydrous milk fat samples. The increase is ∼30% at 20 min of isothermal crystallization and is presumably explained by the additional formation of β'-form crystals from the melt. The parameters of the Avrami equation applied to the description of experimental data show an increase in the crystallization rate in samples with ultrasonic treatment and a change in the dimension of crystallization with a change in melting temperature.