Purpose-This study aimed to estimate the prevalence and risk factors of MSD pain in various anatomical regions among nurses. Method-A cross-sectional study involving a self-administered questionnaire by registered nurses with clinical experience. Data was collected using convenience sampling after obtaining informed consent. The results were drawn from a total of 300 nurses. Results-The nurses presented with occasional mental exhaustion (44.3%) and often physical exhaustion (44.0%). Almost all (97.3%) the nurses complained of having work-related pain during the last 12 months. Body parts with the most pain were the lower back (86.7%), ankles (86.7%), neck (86.0%), shoulders (85.0%), lower legs (84.7%) and upper back (84.3%). The pain frequency was rated as occasional pain for the neck and upper back, pain was often felt for the rest of the parts. Nurses complained of severe pain in the lower back (19.7%), right shoulder (29.7%) and left shoulder (30.3%). The frequency of having musculoskeletal symptoms in any body region was increased with age, lower education level, female gender, high BMI, job tenure and lifestyle. Conclusions-Nurses' WRMSD complaints should be taken seriously to curb further risk and musculoskeletal hazards.