METHODS: A 24-item ASK-Q with four domains: self-understanding (5 items), aetiology (5 items), complications (5 items) and management (9 items) of liver cirrhosis was developed based on literature review and expert panel input. It was then piloted in five English-speaking patients with liver cirrhosis. These patients commented that the font size was too small. Hence, the font was enlarged and the final version of the ASK-Q was administered to English-speaking patients with liver cirrhosis, aged ≥18 years, with or without decompensation, at a tertiary hospital, from September 2020 to November 2021, at baseline and fortnight later. Patients with encephalopathy were excluded.
RESULTS: 120/135 patients agreed to participate (response rate = 88.9%). The overall median score was 59.1 (45.6-68.2). A total of 7/22 (31.8%) items were "easy", 14/22 (63.6%) items were "moderately easy" and 1/22 (4.5%) items were "difficult". Exploratory factor analysis extracted nine factors, and two items were omitted. The ASK-Q was able to discriminate the knowledge level of patients with and without tertiary education [59.1 (50.0-72.7) vs. 54.5 (36.4-63.6); P