METHODS: A mixed-method study was conducted with pre-clinical medical students at Newcastle University Medical School, UK, and Newcastle University Medicine Malaysia. A total of 266 students participated in an online survey questionnaire, with 25 students participating in focus group discussions (FGD). Quantitative data were analysed using descriptive analysis and qualitative data was analysed with thematic analysis.
RESULTS: The majority of students (94.7%) recognised that active learning is important for their learning, but had a narrow definition of what active learning constituted, and familiarity with active learning techniques was lacking. Many students' independent learning techniques were centred around methods of 'active recall', with factors affecting the utilisation of active learning techniques mainly focused on time availability, group dynamics in active teaching sessions and teaching styles of educators.
CONCLUSION: Students acknowledged the importance of active learning but are generally unfamiliar with ways to effectively utilise a broad range of active learning strategies. This study demonstrated that it is important for educators to understand firstly how students define active learning as well as how students interact with active learning taught sessions, to ensure that they create an environment where students feel confident to engage in active learning techniques.