METHODS: Hepatotoxicity was induced in Wister albino rats by injecting sodium valproate at the rate of 500 mg/kg once daily for fourteen days. Six male rats, each weighing 220-270 g, were placed into four separate groups for the study. The first group was treated with normal saline. Treatment of the second group was carried out by SVP for four days consecutively together with saline for three weeks. Group three and four were treated with sodium valproate and Jm hydroalcoholic extract applied in the concentrations of the 200 mg/kg and 400 mg/kg for the period of the three weeks. Phytochemical screening and HPLC analysis were conducted to identify the phytochemical nature and polyphenols in extract, respectively. DPPH, SOD, and NO tests were performed to measure the antioxidant activity.
RESULTS: With the initial dose of treatments to rats, anatomic, physiological, or histopathologic abnormalities were detected. After three weeks, extract of Jatropha mollissima was used to treat the valproic acid-induced hepatotoxicity (P < 0.05).
CONCLUSION: It was concluded that sodium valproate (SVP) and Jm extract were administered together. The hepatoprotective effects were extraordinarily high, with high concentrations of 400 mg/kg.