Acne is a skin disease that impacts 9.4% of the world's population. Available treatments for managing acne include retinoid-like drugs, antibiotics, corticosteroids, photo, and radiotherapy. Howevere, the aforementioned treatments have certain limitations such as possibility of developing skin cancer from tetracycline, doxycycline, and corticosteroids, microbial resistance to antibiotics, and deadly side effects, and so forth. Repurposing of existing therapeutics having excellent safety profile can be promising way to treat acne efficiently. The repurposed drugs and phytoceuticals from diverse classes have demonstrated promising effects in treating acne. These repurposed drugs have displayed antiacne effectiveness by targeting single or multiple signaling pathways. Various repurposed therapeutics undergoing clinical trials at different phases demonstrated their safety and efficacy in treating acne. Despite being a very good, safe, and less time-consuming strategy, drug repurposing (DR) faces multiple challenges such as lack of regulatory guidelines, preservation of intellectual property, and clinical validation of claimed therapeutic indication. DR appears to be a viable approach and is likely to offer effective treatment at a reasonable cost in alleviating acne.