Displaying all 6 publications

  1. Salim H, Lee PY, Sharif-Ghazali S, Cheong AT, Wong J, Young I, et al.
    J Med Internet Res, 2021 09 09;23(9):e26434.
    PMID: 34499039 DOI: 10.2196/26434
    BACKGROUND: Technology, including mobile apps, has the potential to support self-management of long-term conditions and can be tailored to enhance adoption. We developed an app to support asthma self-management among people with limited health literacy in a web-based workshop (to ensure physical distancing during the COVID-19 pandemic).

    OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study is to develop and test a prototype asthma self-management mobile app tailored to the needs of people with limited health literacy through a web-based workshop.

    METHODS: We recruited participants from a primary care center in Malaysia. We adapted a design sprint methodology to a web-based workshop in five stages over 1 week. Patients with asthma and limited health literacy provided insights into real-life self-management issues in stage 1, which informed mobile app development in stages 2-4. We recruited additional patients to test the prototype in stage 5 using a qualitative research design. Participants gave feedback through a concurrent thinking-aloud process moderated by a researcher. Each interview lasted approximately 1 hour. Screen recordings of app browsing activities were performed. Interviews were audio-recorded and analyzed using a thematic approach to identify utility and usability issues.

    RESULTS: The stakeholder discussion identified four themes: individual, family, friends, and society and system levels. Five patients tested the prototype. Participants described 4 ways in which the app influenced or supported self-management (utility): offering information, providing access to an asthma action plan, motivating control of asthma through support for medication adherence, and supporting behavior change through a reward system. Specific usability issues addressed navigation, comprehension, and layout.

    CONCLUSIONS: This study proved that it was possible to adapt the design sprint workshop to a web-based format with the added advantage that it allowed the development and the testing process to be done efficiently through various programs. The resultant app incorporated advice from stakeholders, including sources for information about asthma, medication and appointment reminders, accessible asthma action plans, and sources for social support. The app is now ready to move to feasibility testing.

  2. Salim H, Young I, Lee PY, Shariff-Ghazali S, Pinnock H, RESPIRE collaboration
    Health Expect, 2022 Feb;25(1):163-176.
    PMID: 34514689 DOI: 10.1111/hex.13360
    BACKGROUND: Adjusting to life with a chronic condition is challenging, especially for people with limited health literacy, which is associated with low compliance with self-management activities and poor clinical outcomes.

    OBJECTIVE: We explored how people with limited health literacy understand asthma and undertake self-management practices.

    DESIGN: We adapted the arts-based qualitative methodology Photovoice.

    SETTING AND PARTICIPANTS: We sampled ethnically diverse adults with asthma and limited health literacy from four primary healthcare clinics in Malaysia. After a semistructured in-depth interview, a subset of participants took part in the Photovoice component in which participants undertook a 2-week photo-taking activity and subsequent photo-interview. Interviews, conducted in participants' preferred language, were audio-recorded, transcribed verbatim, translated and analysed thematically. We used the Sorensen's framework (Domains: access, understand, appraise, apply) to describe participants' experience of living with asthma, what they understood about asthma and how they decided on self-management practices.

    RESULTS: Twenty-six participants provided interviews; eight completed the Photovoice activities. Participants with limited health literacy used various sources to access information about asthma and self-management. Doctor-patient communication had a pivotal role in helping patients understand asthma. The lack of appraisal skills was significant and experiential knowledge influenced how they applied information. Self-management decisions were influenced by sociocultural norms/practices, stigmatizing experiences, and available social support.

    CONCLUSION: Locally tailored multilevel interventions (interpersonal, health system, community and policy) will be needed to support people with limited health literacy to live optimally with their asthma in an ethnically diverse population.

    PATIENT/PUBLIC CONTRIBUTION: Patients were involved in the study design, recruitment, analysis and dissemination.

  3. Chan SC, Patrick Engksan J, Jeevajothi Nathan J, Sekhon JK, Hussein N, Suhaimi A, et al.
    J Glob Health, 2023 Oct 27;13:04099.
    PMID: 37883199 DOI: 10.7189/jogh.13.04099
    BACKGROUND: The COVID-19 pandemic has underscored the importance of remote healthcare and home-based interventions, including pulmonary rehabilitation, for patients with chronic respiratory diseases (CRDs). It has also heightened the vulnerability of individuals with underlying respiratory conditions to severe illness from COVID-19, necessitating exploration and assessment of the feasibility of delivering home - pulmonary rehabilitation (home-PR) programmes for CRD management in Malaysia and other countries. Home-based programmes offer a safer alternative to in-person rehabilitation during outbreaks like COVID-19 and can serve as a valuable resource for patients who may be hesitant to visit healthcare facilities during such times. We aimed to assess the feasibility of delivering a home-PR programme for patients with CRDs in Malaysia.

    METHODS: We recruited patients with CRDs from two hospitals in Klang Valley, Malaysia to a home-PR programme. Following centre-based assessment, patients performed the exercises at home (five sessions/week for eight weeks (total 40 sessions)). We monitored the patients via weekly telephone calls and asked about adherence to the programme. We measured functional exercise capacity (6-Minutes Walking Test (6MWT) and Health-Related Quality-of-Life (HRQoL) (COPD Assessment Test (CAT)) at baseline and post-PR at nine weeks. We conducted semi-structured interviews with 12 purposively sampled participants to explore views and feedback on the home-PR programme. The interviews were audio recorded, transcribed verbatim, and analysed thematically.

    RESULTS: We included 30 participants; two withdrew due to hospitalisation. Although 28 (93%) adhered to the full programme, only 11 (37%) attended the post-PR assessment because COVID-19 movement restrictions in Malaysia at that time prevented attendance at the centre. Four themes emerged from the qualitative analysis: involvement of family and caregivers, barriers to home-PR programme, interactions with peers and health care professionals, and programme enhancement.

    CONCLUSION: Despite the COVID-19 pandemic, the home-PR programme proved feasible for remote delivery, although centre-based post-PR assessments were not possible. Family involvement played an important role in the home-PR programme. The delivery of this programme can be further improved to maximise the benefit for patients.

  4. Salim H, Cheong AT, Sharif-Ghazali S, Lee PY, Lim PY, Khoo EM, et al.
    BMC Med Inform Decis Mak, 2023 Sep 27;23(1):194.
    PMID: 37759184 DOI: 10.1186/s12911-023-02300-6
    BACKGROUND: Digital technology tailored for those with limited health literacy has the potential to reduce health inequalities. Although mobile apps can support self-management in chronic diseases, there is little evidence that this approach applies to people with limited health literacy. We aimed to determine the acceptability of a self-management app in adults living with asthma and have limited health literacy and the feasibility of delivering the intervention and assessing outcomes.

    METHODS: We recruited eligible adults from the Klang Asthma Cohort registry in primary care for a 3-month mixed-method study plus a 2-month extended observation. We collected baseline data on socio-demography, health literacy and asthma control level. The outcomes of the intervention were assessed at 1- and 3-month: i) adoption (app download and usage), ii) adherence (app usage), iii) retention (app usage in the observation period), iv) health outcomes (e.g., severe asthma attacks) and v) process outcomes (e.g., ownership and use of action plans). At 1-month, participants were purposively sampled for in-depth interviews, which were audio-recorded, transcribed verbatim, and analysed deductively.

    RESULTS: We recruited 48 participants; 35 participants (23 Female; median age = 43 years; median HLS score = 28) completed the 3 months study. Of these, 14 participants (10 Female; median age = 48 years; median HLS score = 28) provided interviews. Thirty-seven (77%) participants adopted the app (downloaded and used it in the first month of the study). The main factor reported as influencing adoption was the ease of using the app. A total of 950 app usage were captured during the 3-month feasibility study. App usage increased gradually, peaking at month 2 (355 total log-ins) accounting for 78% of users. In month 5, 51.4% of the participants used the app at least once. The main factors influencing continued use included adherence features (e.g., prompts and reminders), familiarity with app function and support from family members.

    CONCLUSIONS: An asthma self-management app intervention was acceptable for adults with limited health literacy and it was feasible to collect the desired outcomes at different time points during the study. A future trial is warranted to estimate the clinical and cost-effectiveness of the intervention and to explore implementation strategies.

  5. Agarwal D, Hanafi NS, Khoo EM, Parker RA, Ghorpade D, Salvi S, et al.
    J Glob Health, 2021;11:04065.
    PMID: 34737865 DOI: 10.7189/jogh.11.04065
    Background: Our previous scoping review revealed limitations and inconsistencies in population surveys of chronic respiratory disease. Informed by this review, we piloted a cross-sectional survey of adults in four South/South-East Asian low-and middle-income countries (LMICs) to assess survey feasibility and identify variables that predicted asthma or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).

    Methods: We administered relevant translations of the BOLD-1 questionnaire with additional questions from ECRHS-II, performed spirometry and arranged specialist clinical review for a sub-group to confirm the diagnosis. Using random sampling, we piloted a community-based survey at five sites in four LMICs and noted any practical barriers to conducting the survey. Three clinicians independently used information from questionnaires, spirometry and specialist reviews, and reached consensus on a clinical diagnosis. We used lasso regression to identify variables that predicted the clinical diagnoses and attempted to develop an algorithm for detecting asthma and COPD.

    Results: Of 508 participants, 55.9% reported one or more chronic respiratory symptoms. The prevalence of asthma was 16.3%; COPD 4.5%; and 'other chronic respiratory disease' 3.0%. Based on consensus categorisation (n = 483 complete records), "Wheezing in last 12 months" and "Waking up with a feeling of tightness" were the strongest predictors for asthma. For COPD, age and spirometry results were the strongest predictors. Practical challenges included logistics (participant recruitment; researcher safety); misinterpretation of questions due to local dialects; and assuring quality spirometry in the field.

    Conclusion: Detecting asthma in population surveys relies on symptoms and history. In contrast, spirometry and age were the best predictors of COPD. Logistical, language and spirometry-related challenges need to be addressed.

  6. Sheikh A, Campbell H, Balharry D, Baqui AH, Bogaert D, Cresswell K, et al.
    J Glob Health, 2018 Dec;8(2):020101.
    PMID: 30603074 DOI: 10.7189/jogh.08.020101
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