An exophilic population of the vector mosquito Anopheles balabacensis Baisas was investigated in two mark-recapture studies (16.ix-13.x.1986 and 6-26.i.1987) at an inland, foothill village in Sabah, Malaysia. Wild female mosquitoes were intercepted as they came to feed on man or buffalo, given a bloodmeal, marked with fluorescent dust and released. The recapture rate was about 12%. A new method of analysis is proposed which uses cross-correlation and a time series model. The estimated survival per oviposition cycle was 0.48-0.54 and the oviposition cycle interval 2-3 days.
During the intermonsoon period from mid-September to mid-October 1986, wild-caught Anopheles balabacensis Baisas females were marked and released in a host-choice experiment. Association between capture and recapture of marked mosquitoes from human and bovid hosts and blood meal host identification of recaptured females were determined on a daily basis. Although the mark-recapture and blood meal data indicated behavioral heterogeneity between buffalo and human biters, restriction endonuclease fragment length polymorphism analysis revealed no differences in repeat sequence profiles. Doubly-marked recaptures strongly indicated a "learning" component involved in a separate host preference experiment. In a "habitat loyalty" experiment conducted in January 1987, females of An. balabacensis preferentially returned to the resting sites (indoor surfaces and exit traps) where they were first caught. Of nine isozyme loci found to be polymorphic, the genotypic frequencies of Esterase-3 and Isocitrate dehydrogenase-3 were different in "faithfully" endophilic and exophilic subpopulations. Genetic heterozygosity, as determined by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, was greater in exophilic than endophilic population components. These results confirm that genetic and learning components can significantly influence house resting and host seeking behavior and may contribute to local epidemiological patterns of malaria transmission observed in Sabah, Malaysia.