To date, at least 12 different models have been suggested for the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ). The current study used confirmatory factor analysis to examine the relative support for these models. In all, 1,407 Malaysian parents completed SDQ ratings of their children (age range = 5-13 years). Although the findings showed some degree of support for all 12 models, there was most support for an oblique six-factor model that included the five SDQ domains (emotional problems, conduct problems, hyperactivity, peer problems, and low prosocial behavior) and a positive construal factor comprising all the 10 SDQ positive worded items. The original proposed five-factor oblique model also showed good fit. The implications of the findings for understanding the results of past studies of the structural models of the parent version of the SDQ, and for clinical and research practice involving the SDQ are discussed.
For a Malaysian sample, the current study used exploratory factor analysis (EFA) to determine the best model for parent ratings of the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ), and then multiple-group confirmatory factor analysis (MCFA) to confirm this model, and to examine measurement invariance across different language versions (Malay and English), child's gender (boys and girls), informants (mothers and fathers), and racial groups (Malay, Chinese, and Indians). In all 1,407 Malaysian parents completed SDQ ratings of their children (age ranging from 5 to 13 years). The EFA showed most support for a two-factor model oblique model, with factors for a positive construal factor and a psychopathology factor. CFA confirmed this model, and MCFA showed full measurement invariance (configural, metric. and scalar) across the groups in the different comparisons. For all comparisons, there were equivalencies for latent mean scores. The implications of the findings for clinical and research practice involving the SDQ in Malaysia are discussed.