Displaying all 2 publications

  1. Tsuyuki A, Oya Y, Jimi N, Hookabe N, Fujimoto S, Kajihara H
    Zoolog Sci, 2023 Jun;40(3):262-272.
    PMID: 37256573 DOI: 10.2108/zs220105
    We establish a new interstitial polyclad species, Theama japonica sp. nov., based on specimens collected from coarse-sandy habitats in three Japanese main islands (Hokkaido, Honshu, and Shikoku) along the coasts of the Pacific Ocean and the Sea of Japan. Theama japonica is characterized by i) two pairs of cerebral eyespots and four to six precerebral eyespots; ii) eosinophilic secretion glands distributed in the distal half of the inner ventral part of the prostatic vesicle; iii) a conical penis papilla, bent up dorsally, with a sclerotized inner wall; iv) the prostatic sheath with an inner angular fold on the dorso-distal side; and v) the external cilia longer dorsally than ventrally. Partial sequences of the cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) gene from 20 specimens collected at eight localities along Japanese coasts represented 19 haplotypes. The uncorrected p-distances among these COI haplotypes fell within intraspecific variations observed in other polyclads. A network analysis based on these COI haplotypes suggested a geographically non-cohesive genetic structure of the species, possibly indicating the species' high dispersibility. Molecular phylogenetic analyses based on a concatenated dataset of 18S and 28S rDNA sequences showed T. japonica formed a clade with other Theama species. The resulting tree also indicates that our new species is more closely related to Theama sp. from Colombia than species from Panama and Croatia.
  2. Jimi N, Bessho-Uehara M, Nakamura K, Sakata M, Hayashi T, Kanie S, et al.
    R Soc Open Sci, 2023 Mar;10(3):230039.
    PMID: 36998762 DOI: 10.1098/rsos.230039
    Bioluminescence, a phenomenon observed widely in organisms ranging from bacteria to metazoans, has a significant impact on the behaviour and ecology of organisms. Among bioluminescent organisms, Polycirrus, which has unique emission wavelengths, has received attention, and advanced studies such as RNA-Seq have been conducted, but they are limited to a few cases. In addition, accurate species identification is difficult due to lack of taxonomic organization. In this study, we conducted comprehensive taxonomic survey of Japanese Polycirrus based on multiple specimens from different locations and described as three new species: Polycirrus onibi sp. nov., P. ikeguchii sp. nov. and P. aoandon sp. nov. The three species can be distinguished from the known species based on the following characters: (i) arrangement of mid-ventral groove, (ii) arrangement of notochaetigerous segments, (iii) type of neurochaetae uncini, and (iv) arrangement of nephridial papillae. By linking the bioluminescence phenomenon with taxonomic knowledge, we established a foundation for future bioluminescent research development. We also provide a brief phylogenetic tree based on cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) sequences to discuss the evolution of bioluminescence and the direction of future research.
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