METHODS: Macrobenthos were collected from the sediment in July (SWM) and December 2021 (NEM) using the Ponar grab at 12 substations from five sampling stations.
RESULTS: The density of macrobenthos was higher in SWM (48,190.82 ind./m2) than in NEM (24,504.83 ind./m2), with phylum Mollusca recording the highest species composition (60-99.3%). The macrobenthos species had a low to moderate level of diversity (H' = 1.4-3.1) with the species were almost evenly distributed (J' = 0.2-0.8). Windward substations exhibited coarser grain sizes (38.56%-86.84%), whereas landward substations exhibited very fine grain sizes (44.26%-86.70%). The SWM season recorded a higher organic matter content (1.6%-6.33%) than the NEM season (0.4%-3.1%). However, metal concentrations in the surface sediment were within the safe range and permissible limits for both seasons, inferring that the macrobenthos composition was unaffected.
DISCUSSION: This study demonstrated that the CDS associated with the monsoon system has controlled the hydrodynamics and nearshore sedimentary processes in the Kuala Nerus coastal zone, thereby affecting the macrobenthos population, in terms of richness and density. The ecological and energetic effects of the coastal structures in different seasons have resulted in a more significant result, with the SWM exhibiting a higher macrobenthos composition than the NEM.