Displaying all 4 publications

  1. Zaki MRM, Zaid SHM, Zainuddin AH, Aris AZ
    Mar Pollut Bull, 2021 Jan;162:111866.
    PMID: 33256966 DOI: 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2020.111866
    Microplastics receive global attention due to its strong presence in marine and freshwater organisms. Yet, there are few studies on estuarine organisms. This baseline study evaluates the abundance and distribution of microplastics in the gastropods of a tropical estuary in Selangor, Malaysia. The abundance of microplastics ranged from 0.50 to 1.75 particles/g or from 0.25 to 0.88 particles/individual. The variation in microplastic distribution between the upper and lower estuary indicates that the microplastics originated from the urbanised area of the Klang River estuary. Microplastic sizes varied from 30 to 1850 μm, with the majority being between 300 and 1000 μm (57%). Characteristics of microplastics were dominant for fibres (91%) with black colour (50%). Polyethylene-propylene-diene (PE-PDM) and polyester were the main polymer materials. Assessing the contamination of gastropods by microplastics provides insight into the possibility of utilising gastropods as bioindicators that could be used for monitoring and baseline studies.
  2. Zaki MRM, Ying PX, Zainuddin AH, Razak MR, Aris AZ
    Environ Geochem Health, 2021 Sep;43(9):3733-3748.
    PMID: 33712970 DOI: 10.1007/s10653-021-00872-8
    Microplastics have been considered as contaminants of emerging concern due to ubiquity in the environment; however, the occurrence of microplastics in river estuaries is scarcely investigated. The Klang River estuary is an important ecosystem that receives various contaminants from urbanised, highly populated areas and the busiest maritime centre in Selangor, Malaysia. This study investigates the abundance and characteristics of microplastics in surface water of the Klang River estuary. The abundance of microplastics ranged from 0.5 to 4.5 particles L-1 with a mean abundance of 2.47 particles L-1. There is no correlation between the abundance of microplastics and physicochemical properties, while there is a strong correlation between salinity and conductivity. The microplastics were characterised with a stereomicroscope and attenuated total reflection-Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy to analyse size, shape, colour, and polymer composition. The microplastics in the surface water were predominantly in the 300-1000 μm size class, followed by > 1000 μm and 
  3. Zainuddin AH, Aris AZ, Zaki MRM, Yusoff FM, Wee SY
    Mar Pollut Bull, 2022 Jan;174:113282.
    PMID: 34995888 DOI: 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2021.113282
    Extensive global plastic production has led to microplastic (MP) pollution of marine ecosystems. This study analysed the abundance of MPs in the surface water of tropical coastal and estuarine zones in Malaysia affected by rapid urbanisation and intense human activity. It also estimated the risk posed by MPs to the marine environment. Mean MP abundance ranged from 2.10 to 6.80 particles/L. Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopic analysis found that the MP polymers were dominated by cellophane (54%), followed by polyester (33%) and polyethylene (2%). The risk posed by MPs was estimated with the risk quotient (RQ) method which found no potential ecological risk to both coastal and estuarine areas (RQ 
  4. Razak MR, Aris AZ, Sukatis FF, Zaki MRM, Zainuddin AH, Haron DEM, et al.
    J Sep Sci, 2023 Jan;46(1):e2200282.
    PMID: 36337037 DOI: 10.1002/jssc.202200282
    In toxicological analysis, the analytical validation method is important to assess the exact risk of contaminants of emerging concern in the environment. Syringe filters are mainly used to remove impurities from sample solutions. However, the loss of analyte to the syringe filter could be considerable, causing an underestimate of the analyte concentrations. The current study develops and validates simultaneous liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry analysis using a direct filtration method to detect four groups of contaminants of emerging concern. The adsorption of the analyte onto three different matrices and six types of syringe filters is reported. The lowest adsorption of analytes was observed in methanol (16.72%), followed by deionized water (48.19%) and filtered surface lake water (48.94%). Irrespective of the type of the matrices, the lowest average adsorption by the syringe filter was observed in the 0.45 μm polypropylene membrane (15.15%), followed by the 0.20 μm polypropylene membrane (16.10%), the 0.20 μm regenerated cellulose (16.15%), the 0.20 μm polytetrafluoroethylene membrane (47.38%), the 0.45 μm nylon membrane (64.87%) and the 0.20 μm nylon membrane (71.30%). In conclusion, the recommended syringe filter membranes for contaminants of emerging concern analysis are polypropylene membranes and regenerated cellulose, regardless of the matrix used.
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