Displaying 1 publication

  1. Rezaei S, Faseleh Jahromi M, Liang JB, Zulkifli I, Farjam AS, Laudadio V, et al.
    Poult Sci, 2015 Oct;94(10):2414-20.
    PMID: 26240398 DOI: 10.3382/ps/pev216
    This study examined the prebiotic effects of oligosaccharides extract from palm kernel expeller (OligoPKE) on growth performance, cecal microbiota and immune response of broiler chickens. A total of ninety 1-day-old broiler chicks (Cobb-500) were randomly allocated to three treatment groups of six pens (replicates) with five birds per pen. Dietary treatments were: (i) basal diet as control, (ii) basal diet plus 0.5% OligoPKE, and (iii) basal diet plus 1% OligoPKE. Birds growth traits (ADG, ADFI and G:F) were measured during the starter (1-21 day), finisher (22-35 day) and the entire experimental periods. Blood and cecal digesta samples were collected from chickens at 21 and 35 days of age (DOA). Microbial quantification of the digesta samples, white blood cells including heterophil, lymphocyte, monocyte, eosinophil, basophil counts and immunoglobulin (IgA and IgM) were also determined. OligoPKE had no effect on ADG and ADFI throughout the study period, but chickens fed OligoPKE supplemented diet had better (P < 0.05) G:F during finisher and overall rearing periods. Supplementing OligoPKE did not significantly alter the birds' microbiota of the cecal digesta. At 21 DOA, blood IgA concentration increased significantly when birds fed 1% OligoPKE in diet recorded compared to the control treatment. Similar observations were also recorded in birds at 35 DOA. Hematological data showed that heterophil and basophil counts of chickens fed OligoPKE supplement were lower than those in control group at 21 DOA. Our findings suggested that OligoPKE improved immune responses in broiler chickens, especially at younger age when the immune system is not still fully developed.
    Matched MeSH terms: Animal Nutritional Physiological Phenomena/drug effects
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