About 10% of 3887 ever-married women included in the 1984-85 Malaysian Population and Family Survey revealed that they were influenced by the new population policy to desire more children than they had originally wanted. These women were more likely to be rural Malays from the lower socioeconomic class. Ideal family size was more than four children. Children are desired for economic benefits and emotional support. The natality of the Malays has risen since 1980: their total fertility rate has increased while their contraceptive prevalence rate has dropped sharply. Coupled with a decline in the crude death rate, the present fertility preferences and behaviour of the Malays will render the target of the population policy more attainable than is reflected by the survey data.
Hysterectomy and tubal sterilisation are two commonly performed gynaecological procedures in Malaysia. Little has been published about the psychological impact on sexuality of such operations in the Far East. Many Malaysian patients believe that surgery to the pelvic organs may be detrimental to the sexual health and needs of women. There is a widespread belief that the uterus is essential for the libido and sexual wellbeing of women. It is also believed that tubal sterilisation may result in the loss of libido and thus of sexual desire for her husband. Despite counselling to dispel these misconceptions, patients frequently refuse surgical management for fear of losing their libido and sexuality. Inability to satisfy and consummate marriage is a valid reason for the partner to find another wife (Muslims in Malaysia are legally allowed to have four wives). This fear of ultimately losing the husband to another woman due to lack of libido and loss of sexuality often causes women to refuse appropriate surgery. The recent availability of the levonorgestrel intra-uterine system (IUS) in Malaysia provides a suitable medical alternative to surgery in managing some of these patients. There is good evidence to suggest the effectiveness of the levonorgestrel IUS in the treatment of menorrhagia. The use of the levonorgestrel IUS in women whose cultural beliefs/misconceptions are not amenable to counselling, may help in the psychological preservation of their libido and sexuality.