1. A series of experiments were conducted to investigate the effect of endogenous opioids on blood pressure of laboratory rats during stress. 2. Rats subjected to 120 min immobilization showed a significant drop in systolic pressure which could be prevented by pretreatment injections of naloxone. 3. Adrenalectomized rats subjected to the same kind of stress showed a drop in systolic pressure equivalent to only 30% of the systolic pressure drop in the intact animals. This decrease in systolic pressure could also be prevented by pretreatment injections of naloxone. 4. It was concluded that the decrease in systolic pressure in intact rats during immobilization was mostly due to endogenous opioids released from the adrenal glands, whereas opioids of other origins such as the pituitary gland, were also important.
1. The effects of corticosteroid pretreatment on acetylcholine (ACH)-induced contraction of bronchial smooth muscle (BSM) were studied. 2. ACH dose-response curves for dexamethasone (DM)- and corticosterone (B)-treated but not deoxycorticosterone (DOC)-treated BSM were significantly shifted to the right; this provides evidence that glucocorticoid treatment reduced the sensitivity of BSM to ACH. 3. Morphine enhanced BSM contraction in response to ACH by 20%. DM suppressed this enhancement. 4. These findings correlated well with the reduction of muscarinic receptor numbers in BSM by glucocorticoids in our previous study. In addition, glucocorticoids reduced the sensitivity of BSM to opioids.