Protein arginine methyltransferases (PRMTs) catalyse the methylation of arginine residues of target proteins. PRMTs utilise S-adenosyl methionine (SAM) as the methyl group donor, leading to S-adenosyl homocysteine (SAH) and monomethylarginine (mMA). A combination of homology modelling, molecular docking, Active Site Pressurisation, molecular dynamic simulations and MM-PBSA free energy calculations is used to investigate the binding poses of three PRMT1 inhibitors (ligands 1-3), which target both SAM and substrate arginine binding sites by containing a guanidine group joined by short linkers with the SAM derivative. It was assumed initially that the adenine moieties of the inhibitors would bind in sub-site 1 (PHE44, GLU137, VAL136 and GLU108), the guanidine side chain would occupy sub-site 2 (GLU 161, TYR160, TYR156 and TRP302), with the amino acid side chain occupying sub-site 3 (GLU152, ARG62, GLY86 and ASP84; pose 1). However, the SAH homocysteine moiety does not fully occupy sub-site 3, suggesting another binding pose may exist (pose 2), whereby the adenine moiety binds in sub-site 1, the guanidine side chain occupies sub-site 3, and the amino acid side chain occupies sub-site 2. Our results indicate that ligand 1 (pose 1 or 2), ligand 2 (pose 2) and ligand 3 (pose 1) are the predominant binding poses and we demonstrate for the first time that sub-site 3 contains a large space that could be exploited in the future to develop novel inhibitors with higher binding affinities.
The dengue virus is the most significant arthropod-borne human pathogen, and an increasing number of cases have been reported over the last few decades. Currently neither vaccines nor drugs against the dengue virus are available. NS5 methyltransferase (MTase), which is located on the surface of the dengue virus and assists in viral attachment to the host cell, is a promising antiviral target. In order to search for novel inhibitors of NS5 MTase, we performed a computer-aided virtual screening of more than 5 million commercially available chemical compounds using two approaches: i) structure-based screening using the crystal structure of NS5 MTase and ii) ligand-based screening using active ligands of NS5 MTase. Structure-based screening was performed using the LIDAEUS (LIgand Discovery At Edinburgh UniverSity) program. The ligand-based screening was carried out using the EDULISS (EDinburgh University LIgand Selection System) program.