Out of a group of 12 M. nemestrina (originating from Malaysia), 9 adults had shown clinical signs induced by ILS at 25 c/sec. Six of them (3 males, 3 females) were very photosensitive; however, only 2 presented eyelid and/or head jerks after the end of ILS (level 4), but never a generalized seizure. Tactile periorbital stimuli favoured myoclonus. In all but the two of level 4, the intensity of clinical signs varied from one day to the next. In all implanted adult macaques, spontaneous paroxysmal EEG activities were seen during slow sleep in mostly anterior areas, but also during waking and REM sleep in some of them; however, their occurrence depended upon the individual and were not in all cases related to their level of photosensitivity. During ILS, paroxysmal discharges (spikes and waves and/or polyspikes and waves), isolated or in bursts at 3-4/sec were bilateral and symmetrical. They started in fronto-rolandic regions, then became generalized. This observation constitutes a new fact since the discovery, in 1966, of the photomyoclonic syndrome of Papio papio, Macaca nemestrina being another species of subhuman primates with a marked predisposition to photosensitive epilepsy.
Jeavons syndrome (JS) is one of the underreported epileptic syndromes and is characterized by eyelid myoclonia (EM), eye closure-induced seizures or electroencephalography (EEG) paroxysms, and photosensitivity. In the Western populations, it has been reported to be characterized by focal posterior, occipital predominant epileptiform discharges (OPEDs) or frontal predominant epileptiform discharges (FPEDs) followed by generalized EDs in both interictal and ictal EEG recordings. However, it is not clear if there are different clinical manifestations between OPEDs and FPEDs. The clinical and electrographic presentations in the Chinese population are largely unknown. Here, we report the clinical and electroencephalographic features of 50 Chinese patients with JS and evaluate for the presence of different clinical features between patients with OPEDs and patients with FPEDs.