The author describes a new operative method for treating chronic recurrent subdural hematoma. The subdural pocket is exteriorized so that it is in continuity with the subgaleal space through a limited extradural pocket and an L-shaped linear craniectomy. This procedure has been carried out in two patients with recurrent chronic subdural hematoma, both of whom made complete recoveries despite initial recurrence of the subdural hematoma.
The advent of multimaterial 3D printers allows the creation of neurosurgical models of a more realistic nature, mimicking real tissues. The authors used the latest generation of 3D printer to create a model, with an inbuilt pathological entity, of varying consistency and density. Using this model the authors were able to take trainees through the basic steps, from navigation and planning of skin flap to performing initial steps in a craniotomy and simple tumor excision. As the technology advances, models of this nature may be able to supplement the training of neurosurgeons in a simulated operating theater environment, thus improving the training experience.