Medicinal herb preparations prescribed for specific treatment purposes were purchased from markets and were analyzed by instrumental neutron activation analysis with k0 standardization. Then, 500-700 mg of each sample was pelletized under a pressure of six tones and irradiated together with monitors for alpha and neutron flux ratio determinations for about 6 h in a thermal flux of 2.29 x 10(12) n/cm2/s. The accuracy of the method was established by analyzing standard reference materials. Twenty-nine elements, Ag, As, Au, Ba, Br, Ca, Ce, Co, Cr, Cs, Eu, Fe, Hf, K, La, Mn, Mo, Na, Rb, Sb, Sc, Se, Sm, Sr, Th, U, Yb, and Zn, were measured in all the samples, and Hg was detected in some samples, with good accuracy and reproducibility. The concentration of elements determined was found to vary depending on the composition of the herbs used. Although the trend linking the element of the medicinal plants to its curative abilities could not be clearly determined, this study showed that the toxic elements found in the samples were below the levels prescribed by health regulations. Nevertheless, such data are important to understand the pharmacological action and the exact mechanisms of action and formation of active constituents for each medicinal plant and to decide the dosage of the herbs used in the final formulation.
This paper focuses on the evaluation of the k0 method of instrumental neutron activation analysis in biological materials. The method has been applied in multielement analysis of human hair standard reference materials from IAEA, No. 085, No. 086 and from NIES (National Institute for Environmental Sciences) No. 5. Hair samples from people resident in different parts of Malaysia, in addition to a sample from Japan, were analyzed. In addition, human kidney stones from members of the Malaysian population have been analyzed for minor and trace elements. More than 25 elements have been determined. The samples were irradiated in the rotary rack (Lazy Susan) at the TRIGA Mark II reactor of the Malaysian Institute for Nuclear Technology and Research (MINT). The accuracy of the method was ascertained by analysis of other reference materials, including 1573 tomato leaves and 1572 citrus leaves. In this method the deviation of the 1/E1+ alpha epithermal neutron flux distribution from the 1/E law (P/T ratio) for true coincidence effects of the gamma-ray cascade and the HPGe detector efficiency were determined and corrected for.
This study determines the trace metal content in Anadara Granosa L., a popular seafood amongst South-East-Asians. Using the technique of instrumental neutron activation analysis (INAA) identification has been made of the presence of 17 trace metals including elements which are classified as toxic (As, Br, Cs) and those which are rare-earths (Eu, Ce, Lu, Tb, Yb).
Kidney stone samples of the types calcium oxalate, uric acid, and xanthine were analyzed for their elemental contents by neutron activation analysis to study both the elemental correlation and influence of element on stone precipitation processes. Elements, such as Al, Au, Br, Ca, Cl, Co, Cr, Fe, Hg, I, K, Mg, Na, Sb, Se, Sr, and Zn, were determined quantitatively. Calcium oxalate stones contained higher concentration of all the elements analyzed compared to uric acid or xanthine stones. The concentrations of Cl, Fe, K, Na, Sr, and Zn were relatively higher than Au, Co, Cr, and Sb. A positive correlation exists between Ca and Zn, whereas a negative correlation exists between Sr and Ca. Zinc may play an important role in the formation of calcium oxalate stone.