METHODS: A qualitative study was conducted in the Morang district, Nepal. A phenomenological approach was used. In-depth interviews were conducted with 14 participants. Postpartum women with one risk factor for high-risk pregnancy who non-adhere to referral hospital birth were selected purposively. Thematic analysis was done to generate themes and categories.
FINDINGS: Two main themes emerged in this study: (i) knowledge and understanding of risk and (ii) normalizing and non-acceptance of risk. The participants had inadequate knowledge of risk in pregnancy and childbirth. Their information source was their personal experiences of risk, witnessing their close relatives, and community incidents. The participants perceived pregnancy as a normal event and did not consider themselves as at risk. They tended to deny risk and perceived that everything was fine with their pregnancy.
CONCLUSIONS: The findings of this study provide a glimpse into how women perceived risk and the reasons that lead them to deny the risks and gave home birth. In the presence of risk factors in pregnancy, some women were not convinced that they were at risk. An antenatal check-up should be utilized as a platform to educate women, explore their intentions, and encourage safer births.
METHODS: Participants were part of a prospective birth cohort study that recruited 1,247 pregnant women (57.2% Chinese, 25.5% Malay, and 17.3% Indian) during their first trimester. The 1,220 participants were followed up 3 weeks postpartum at home when questionnaires were administered to ascertain the frequency of adherence to the following confinement practices: showering; confinement-specific meals; going out with or without the baby; choice of caregiver assistance; and the use of massage therapy.
RESULTS: Most participants reported that they followed confinement practices during the first 3 weeks postpartum (Chinese: 96.4%, Malay: 92.4%, Indian: 85.6%). Chinese and Indian mothers tended to eat more special confinement diets than Malay mothers (p < 0.001), and Chinese mothers showered less and were more likely to depend on confinement nannies during this period than mothers from the two other ethnic groups (p < 0.001 for all). Malay mothers tended to make greater use of massage therapy (p < 0.001), whilst Indian mothers tended to have their mothers or mothers-in-law as assistant caregivers (p < 0.001).
CONCLUSION: Most Singapore mothers follow confinement practices, but the three Asian ethnic groups differed in specific confinement practices. Future studies should examine whether ethnic differences persist in later childrearing practices.