EVIDENCE ACQUISITION: In this systematic review, an electronic search through three primary databases, including Medline (PubMed), Scopus and Web of Science (WOS) was conducted to identify original studies reporting on barriers and facilitators for rehabilitation service organization in low-and middle-income countries. Date of search: 25th April 2021 (PubMed), 3rd May 2021 (Scopus and Web of Science). All studies including barriers or/and facilitators for rehabilitation services in low- and middle income countries which were written in English were included in the review. The articles written in other languages and grey literature, were excluded from this review.
EVIDENCE SYNTHESIS: Total of 42 articles were included from year 1989 to 2021. Numerous barriers were identified that related to education, resources, leadership, policy, technology and advanced treatment, community-based rehabilitation (CBR), social support, cultural influences, political issues, registries and standards of care. National health insurance including rehabilitation and funding from government and NGOs are some of the facilitators to strengthen rehabilitation service organization. Availability of CBR programs, academic rehabilitation training programs for allied health professionals, collaboration between Ministry of Heath (MOH) and Non-governmental Organizations (NGOs) on telerehabilitation services are amongst other facilitators.
CONCLUSIONS: Recommendations for improving and expanding rehabilitation service organization include funding, training, education, and sharing of resources.
METHOD: A cross-sectional study involving 200 parents of children with neurodevelopmental disabilities aged 1-18 years was carried out. The Malay version of the Measure of Process of Care (MPOC-20) questionnaire was used to measure the perceptions of parents on the services. Descriptive statistical analysis was done to describe the mean score of each MPOC-20 scale. Univariate and bivariate analyses were used to examine the associations between the characteristics of parents and children as well as the sociodemographic and environmental factors with the MPOC-20 scales.
RESULTS: The mean score of the MPOC-20 scales ranged from 4.50 to 5.65 (SD 0.93-1.51). Amongst the MPOC-20 scales, parents ranked enabling, having good partnership and being comprehensive (EP) the highest, whereas the provision of specific information (PS) received the lowest score. Amongst all the MPOC-20 scales, significant differences were shown in parent's employment, between children's age groups and between ethnic groups.
CONCLUSIONS: The Malay MPOC-20 is a validated tool that can be used in evaluation of services among the Malay-speaking community, and therefore, it is recommended for our clinical use to improve family-centred practice in paediatric rehabilitation.