The level of serum alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) was estimated by radioimmunoassay in 153 normal healthy Malysians of different ethnic groups. The mean level was 7.5 In1/ml (SD 2.28InU/ml). Among 330 patients with malignant tumors, 11 had increased levels of AFP. The only patient who had hepatoma had a very high level of serum AFP. High levels were also found in three of four patients with dysgerminoma of the ovary, in the only two patients with carcinoma of the testis, and in one patient with secondary carcinoma of the humerus of unknown origin. Lower, but significantly increased levels were observed in one patient (of 48) with breast carcinoma, one patient (of 8) with basal cell carcinoma of the nose, one patient (0f 27) with carcinoma of the lung, and one patient (of 59) with nasopharynegeal carcinoma.