Among 350 inhabitants of two villages, 31 (8.9%) cleaned their teeth using table salt and charcoal applied to their forefinger or a Melastoma brush. As a result, all had distinct forms of abrasion cavity on the labial surfaces of their teeth. All of the above three agents are highly abrasive and injurious to both the hard and soft oral tissues. This dying practice is only popular among a very small number of persons in the older age group, and should be discouraged.
This is a review of the literature concerning wear related to the following materials used in dentistry: dental amalgam, composite resins, and glass-ionomer cements, as well as natural tooth substance. Discussions are included on both in vivo and in vitro studies in which various methods were used to help determine wear resistance.
This article describes the occlusal rehabilitation of a partially edentulous patient who did not want a removable partial denture. Implants and extensive fixed restorations were used to restore posterior support and treat severely worn dentition, respectively. The treatment offered the patient a functional and esthetic result.