Standard renal clearance techniques were used to compare the effects of intravenous infusions of L-arginine, D-lysine and glycine on urinary calcium excretion in the rat. A significant calciuric response was evident following the infusion of all three amino acids in all the animals. The maximal effect was evident in rats receiving L-arginine. The mechanism for the increased urinary calcium excretion in rats infused with L-arginine and D-lysine appeared more due to a decreased fractional reabsorption of this cation as no significant changes in the glomerular filtration rate (GFR) were evident in these two groups. The calciuria in rats receiving glycine appears due to increased filtered load secondary to the increased GFR, suggesting that the mechanism for calciuria evident following protein ingestion or amino acid infusion may vary and may be dependent upon the amino acid ingested or infused.