Reactive oxygen species (ROS) homeostasis is crucial for leukaemogenesisand deregulation would hamper leukaemic progression. Although the regulatory effects of RUNX1/ETO has been extensively studied, its underlying molecular mechanims in ROS production in t(8,21) AML is yet to be fully elucidated. Here, we report that RUNX1/ETO could directly control FLT3 by occupying several DNA elements on FLT3 locus. The possible hijacking mechanism by RUNX1/ETO over FLT3 mediated ROS modulation in AML t(8;21) was made apparent when suppression of RUNX1/ETO led to decrement in ROS levels and the direct oxidative marker FOXO3 but not in FLT3 and RAC1 suppressed t(8,21) AML cell line Furthermore, nuclear import of RUNX1/ETO was aberrated following RUNX1/ETO and RAC1 suppression suggesting association in ROS control. A different picture was depicted in non t(8;21) cells where suppression of RAC1 and FLT3 led to decreased levels of FOXO3a and ROS. Results alltogether indicate a possible dysregulation of ROS levels by RUNX1/ETO in t(8,21) AML.