
  • 1 International Medical University
Medical Journal of Malaysia, 2016;71(5):244-249.


Background: Little is known about the views of faculty
members who train medical students concerning open
Objectives: The objectives of this study were to determine
the views of faculty in a medical school on: 1 what
constitutes a medical error and the severity of such an error
in relation to medication use or diagnosis; 2 information
giving following such an adverse event, based on severity;
and 3 acknowledgement of responsibility, remedial action,
compensation, disciplinary action, legal action, and
reporting to a higher body in relation to such adverse event.
Methods: We adapted and contextualized a questionnaire
developed from a previous study. The questionnaire had 4
case vignettes that described 1 clear medication error with
lifelong disability; 2 possible diagnostic error with lifelong
disability; 3 possible diagnostic error without harm; and 4
clear medication error without harm. We invited all faculty
members attached to the medical school at the International
Medical University to participate in the study.
Results: Seventy faculty members took part. Faculty
members viewed a medical error as having taken place
depending on how clearly an error had occurred (94% and
73% versus 53% and 27%). They viewed cases as more
severe based on the severity of complications (85% and 46%
versus 5% and 10%). With increasing severity, they tended to
attribute responsibility for the event and the duty to disclose
towards more senior clinicians. They were also more
agreeable with remedial action, compensation, disciplinary
action, and reporting to a higher agency. There was no
strong evidence of association between these areas and the
demographics of faculty members.
Conclusions: Faculty members are more likely to perceive
an error had occurred depending on the clarity of the
circumstances. They viewed severity based on the presence
of complications. Severity determined how they attributed
responsibility, duty to disclose, and other areas related to
open disclosure.

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