
  • 1 Universiti Putra Malaysia


The Q10 value is tied to an increase in the surrounding temperature with an increase in 10 ◦C,
and usually resulted in a doubling of the reaction rate. When this happens, the Q10 value for the
reaction is 2. This value holds true to numerous biological reactions. To date, the Q10 value for
the biodegradation of phenol is almost not reported. The Q10 values can be determined from the
Arrhenius plots. In this study, the growth rate or biodegradation rates in logarithmic value for
the bacterium Pseudomonas sp. AQ5-04 was plotted against 1000/temperature (Kelvin) and the
slope of the Arrhenius curve is the value of the Ea, which was utilized to obtain the Q10. The
value obtained in this work was 1.834, which is slightly lower than the normal range of between
2 and 3 for the biodegradation rates of hydrocarbon in general and shows that this bacterium is a
very efficient phenol-degrading bacterium.