
  • 1 Universiti Teknologi MARA
Jurnal Inovasi Malaysia, 2018;1(2):1-22.


Higher order thinking skills (HOTS) is a skill that should be present in every teaching and learning process. Teaching mathematics and statistics particularly requires lecturers to be skilful in planning learning activities and using suitable assessment that can inculcate thinking skills among students. The main purpose of this study is to develop new innovation product by using question answer book and mobile apps. This study evaluates students’ ability in answering exam question based on a revised Bloom’s taxonomy. To achieve this aim, 124 actuarial sciences students in UiTM who have enrolled in statistics course for two different semesters were selected as samples. The samples were assigned into two groups where 59 of them have never used the suggested learning aids, while the other 65 students have used the learning aids the whole semester. Data were analysed using Rasch measurement analysis, the Ministep software. The analysis revealed that the exam questions built were significantly reliable and well adjusted to the students’ ability and the revised Bloom’s taxonomy. Generally, the used of learning aids in learning process can slightly improved students’ performance in writing examinations. Users recommended further improvement on the mobile apps in terms of the types of games and the quality of audio visual in the apps. Other than that, the questions designed in the question and answer book as well as in the mobile apps need to be validated by experts in related fields.