(1) In the treatment of leprosy cases with intravenous InJections of aniline dyes, fluorescein has seemed to us to give the most stable effects.
(2) Sixty-four cases have been treated with intravenous injections of fluorescein over a period of four months.
(3) After six weeks treatment about 60 per cent of these cases showed greater or less specific response, based on clinical examination of the lesions and laboratory findings.
(4) The improvement rate dropped to 43 per cent on continuing the treatment for four months.
(5) Nine cases have been treated with resorcin blue (resorcin being one of the components of fluorescein). No effect was obtained.
(6) Sixteen patients have been treated for two months with intravenous injections of phthallic acid (the other component of fluorescein) with greater or less lesion response in 62 per cent of cases.