
  • 1 Action for AIDS Singapore, #03-01, 9 Kelantan Lane, 208628, Singapore; and Corresponding author. Email:
  • 2 Action for AIDS Singapore, #03-01, 9 Kelantan Lane, 208628, Singapore
Sex Health, 2021 03;18(1):116-118.
PMID: 33588986 DOI: 10.1071/SH20119


In November 2019, Action for AIDS launched the Community Blueprint Towards Ending HIV and AIDS in Singapore by 2030, a key milestone in the country's HIV movement where a roadmap was developed with strategies to end HIV by 2030. Overall, 60 representatives from 30 community organisations and institutions were convened to plan and lead work on the Blueprint, which covers 10 themes. The Blueprint examines the current state of the epidemic and populations most affected by it: heterosexual males with multiple partners, men who have sex with men, sex workers, transgender persons, and persons who use drugs. It assesses existing programs, estimates gaps and recommends strategies and resources needed to close the gap. The second section of the Blueprint explores cross-cutting themes including: stigma and discrimination; strengthening the HIV community workforce; and scaling up pre-exposure prophylaxis. The Blueprint provides key recommendations and is being discussed with the Ministry of Health.

* Title and MeSH Headings from MEDLINE®/PubMed®, a database of the U.S. National Library of Medicine.

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