The Government's decision to drastically and speedily increase the number of doctors in the country needs to be reviewed. The standard and quality of health care does not depend on the number of doctors, but on the improvement of the health care infrastructure. Increasing the number of government medical schools and increasing the intake of students should be done on a need-to basis, with the above perspective in mind. The selection criteria of candidates must not be compromised and the teaching staff must be adequate and experienced. The number of doctors should be gradually increased over the years in tandem with the development of the health care infrastructure and the deployment of doctors must be directed at providing equitable care to the people at all economic levels and geographic locations. The strength of academic staff in existing government medical schools must be upgraded to provide high level of teaching and research, perhaps reinforced with the recruitment of suitably qualified and experienced foreign teachers. The infrastructure of existing government medical schools must be upgraded to cater for the gradual increasing demand for more doctors as the country develops. The selection of candidates for the government medical schools must be based on merit and without undue emphasis on ethnic considerations, for it is only in the arena of fair competitiveness that excellence can be born. The considerations of merit in selection must include assessment of attitude, self-development, moral ethics and reasoning. If the above perspectives are fully appreciated, then there is really no requirement for private medical colleges in Malaysia.
Many operations have been described for the correction of claw hands following involvement in leprosy, from Sir Harold Stiles (1922) of Edinburgh, through Bunnell, Brand and many others in India and USA. Some of these procedures are classified "static" and attempt mainly to correct hyper-extension at the metacarpo-phalangeal joint, while the "dynamic" procedures employ a variety of tendon graft operations to restore the function of the paralysed lumbrical muscles. This study is an analysis of the four-tailed tendon graft operation of Paul Brand, carried out in the National Leprosy Con. trol Centre, Sungei Buloh, Selangor, during the period 1965·175, by a host of surgeons, mainly by Dr M.K. Bhojwani, MRCP, FRCSEd, the Director of the Centre at that time. The analysis carried out during November. December 1976, was made on 36 hands in 33 patients; it revealed an average improvement in the metacarpo. Phalangeal joint flexion of nearly 90% and in the proximal interphalangeal joint extension in nearly 80%, and an improvement in the grafted lumbrical voluntary motor tone of nearly 70%.
Sixty two patients with displaced femoral neck fractures treated by percutaneous pinning are reviewed. There were 37 females and 25 males with an average age of 63.7 years. There were 36 Garden grade III and 26 grade IV fractures. Twenty three patients had other medical conditions. Fourteen patients were operated under local anaesthesia. Superficial wound infection was found in three cases with no deep infection. Union occurred in 41 patients by eight months. Of the 21 non-unions 15 remained painless. The pins migrated outwards in seven cases but caused no clinical problem. Avascular necrosis was seen in 11 patients by 18 months. Avascular necrosis and non-union occurred together in six patients. Secondary hemiarthroplasty was performed in only ten patients. Routine hemiarthroplasty for femoral neck fractures is not always indicated. Femoral head preservation should be attempted before prosthetic replacement. The pinning surgery is simple, fast and can be performed under local anaesthesia. Hemiarthroplasty should be reserved for failed cases only.