Feather waste is a potential renewable source to recover valuable products because it is being a rich source of keratin proteins and amino acids. It can be used to make feather meal, fertilizer and yarn sizing agent. Various treatments have been used to recover the protein from chicken feathers as the keratinous feathers cannot be easily degraded due to its tough structure. This paper reviews the existing treatment methods used to hydrolyze chicken feathers. The treatment methods for feather hydrolysis such as physical, chemical, biological and combined treatments as well as their advantages and challenges are highlighted. The effects of these treatments on feather hydrolysis are complex and vary in regards to the performance of feather hydrolysis and product yielded. Hence, it is important to choose an appropriate treatment method since the type of treatment applied affects the product yielded qualitatively and quantitatively. In addition, the economic assessment and environmental impact of the choice of treatment should be considered also.
A huge amount of feathers is generated as a waste every year. Feathers can be a protein source if it is treated with an appropriate method. The present study investigates feasibility of autoclave alkaline and microwave alkaline pretreatments to be combined with enzymatic treatment for feather solubilization and protein production. Hydrolysis of chicken feather by autoclave alkaline pretreatment followed by an enzymatic method (AAS) or microwave alkaline pretreatment followed by an enzymatic method (MAS) was optimized by response surface methodology. Various NaOH concentrations for autoclave alkaline pretreatment (0.01-0.1 M) and microwave-alkaline pretreatment (0.01-0.05 M) were applied. The holding time for both pretreatments ranged from 1 to 10 min. The pretreated feathers were subjected to enzymatic hydrolysis using a commercial enzyme prior to analysis of protein content, feather solubilization, functional groups, and elemental composition (carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen and sulfur) of the treated feathers. The results revealed that both autoclave alkaline pretreatment and microwave alkaline pretreatment under optimized conditions of 0.068 M NaOH, 2 min holding time, 105 °C and 450 W, 0.05 M NaOH for 10 min, respectively, enhanced the subsequent Savinase hydrolysis of chicken feathers to achieve more than 80% degradation and more than 70% protein recovery. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy results showed that both thermal-alkaline pretreatments weakened the structure of the feather. Reduction of carbon, nitrogen, and sulfur occurred in both thermal-alkaline pretreatments of feathers indicating degradation of the feather as well as protein release. Thermal-alkaline pretreatment may be a promising method for enhancing the enzymatic hydrolysis of chicken feathers and for producing a protein-rich hydrolysate.