Displaying all 10 publications

  1. Sherrini Bazir Ahmad, Lim, Kheng Seang, Goh, Hui Ting, Wo, Chen Mun, Low, Siew Yong, Tan, Chong Tin
    Neurology Asia, 2016;21(3):225-233.
    Background & Objective: Modulation of cortical excitability by low frequency repetitive transcranial
    magnetic stimulation (rTMS) has demonstrated therapeutic use in epilepsy. This study aimed to evaluate
    the efficacy of low-frequency rTMS on refractory epilepsy in a group of Malaysian subjects. Methods:
    Nine patients with refractory epilepsy completed the study. All patients received 10 sessions of 1Hz
    rTMS (1000 pulses per session) at 90% of resting motor threshold. Outcome measures included seizure
    frequency, Symptom Checklist-90 (SCL-90), Beck Depression Inventory II (BDI II) and Quality of
    Life in Epilepsy-31 (QOLIE-31). Responders were defined as having ≥ 50% seizure reduction. Results:
    The mean age was 33.8 years (SD 11.7), with 4 male. Three patients had mesial temporal sclerosis
    (MTS); 4 with focal cortical dysplasia (FCD) and two lesion-negative. Three patients achieved >50%
    seizure reduction at 8 weeks post-treatment, with 2 of them had improvement in the number of IED.
    All of the responders had FCD. The responders were younger (mean 24.7 vs. 38.3 years old), had
    shorter duration of illness (mean 15.7 vs. 30.5 years) and had less frequent seizure frequency prior to
    treatment (mean 5.5 vs. 10.8 attacks per week), as compared to the non-responders. Six patients had
    improvement in BDI-II scores, two in QOLIE-31 and four in SCL-90 post treatment, irrespective of
    seizure control. The mean scores in BDI-II improved significantly with treatment (p
  2. Manaf H, Justine M, Goh HT
    Motor Control, 2017 Jan;21(1):42-57.
    PMID: 26595318 DOI: 10.1123/mc.2015-0040
    Attentional loadings deteriorate straight walking performance for individuals poststroke, but its effects on turning while walking remain to be determined. Here we compared turning kinematics under three attentional loading conditions (single, dual-motor, and dual-cognitive task) between stroke survivors and healthy controls. Nine chronic stroke survivors and 10 healthy controls performed the Timed Upand- Go test while their full-body kinematics were recorded. Onset times of yaw rotation of the head, thorax and pelvis segments and head anticipation distance were used to quantify turning coordination. Results showed that stroke survivors reoriented their body segments much earlier than the controls, but they preserved the similar segmental reorientation sequence under the single-task condition. For the healthy controls, attentional loading led to an earlier axial segment reorientation, but the reorientation sequence was preserved. In contrast, the dual-cognitive task condition led to a disrupted reorientation sequence in stroke. The results indicate that turning coordination was altered in individuals poststroke, especially under the dual-task interference.
  3. Goh HT, Chan HY, Abdul-Latif L
    J Neurol Phys Ther, 2015 Jan;39(1):15-22.
    PMID: 25427033 DOI: 10.1097/NPT.0000000000000064
    Noninvasive brain stimulation, including repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) and transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS), have gained popularity in the stroke rehabilitation literature. Little is known about the time course and duration of effects of noninvasive brain stimulation on corticospinal excitability in individuals with stroke. We examined the aftereffects of a single session of high-frequency rTMS (5 Hz) and anodal tDCS on corticospinal excitability in the same sample of participants with chronic stroke.
  4. Manaf H, Justine M, Goh HT
    PM R, 2015 Nov;7(11):1159-66.
    PMID: 25978943 DOI: 10.1016/j.pmrj.2015.05.007
    Attentional loadings have significant impacts on turning performance in individuals with stroke. Improper gait modification before turning may contribute to falls after stroke. Therefore, examination of the changes in temporal-spatial gait parameters before turning may reveal important deficits in gait control when stroke survivors are challenged by dual-tasking.
  5. Goh HT, Gordon J, Sullivan KJ, Winstein CJ
    J Mot Behav, 2014;46(2):95-105.
    PMID: 24447033 DOI: 10.1080/00222895.2013.868337
    The aim of this study was to examine the validity of a 2-choice audio-vocal reaction time (RT) probe task for measuring the changes in attentional demand during practice and learning of a discrete motor task. Twenty participants practiced the motor task across 3 days and were probed with the RT task during either the preparation or execution phase of the primary task. As practice progressed, participants improved in the primary task performance and shortened the RTs to the probe task. This indicated that less attention was required to plan and execute the movement and suggested that the RT probe task was a sensitive and valid tool to measure changes in attentional demands across practice. The authors implemented several additional experimental controls to address possible confounders including unintentional learning of the probe task, primary-secondary task trade-off effects, and compliance with task priority instructions. These experimental controls further ensured the validity of the probe paradigm and interpretability of the dual-task cost findings. Our experimental methods provided confirmatory evidence for the validity of the 2-choice RT task as a means to assess attentional demands during motor learning.
  6. Goh HT, Ramachandram K, Ahmad-Fauzi A, Subamanian P
    J Geriatr Phys Ther, 2016 Jul-Sep;39(3):132-9.
    PMID: 26288234 DOI: 10.1519/JPT.0000000000000064
    BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Social participation restriction is a common barrier encountered by older adults and individuals with physical disabilities. To best direct the limited resource to support social services for individuals with disability, there is a need to objectively measure social participation restriction. A number of tools to measure levels of social participation are available, but none of them has been translated into the Malay language. This cross-sectional study examined the test-retest reliability and concurrent validity of the Life Habits Assessment (LIFE-H 3.1) that had been translated and culturally adapted to the Malay language.

    METHODS: Seventy-five individuals with physical disabilities (age, mean [standard deviation] = 58 [10] years; 49 males) participated in this study. Participants were interviewed twice with the Malay version LIFE-H 3.1, approximately 1 week apart. The Barthel Index (BI) and the World Health Organization Assessment of Quality of Life-Brief version (WHOQoL-BREF) were administered in the first interview as well. Intraclass correlation coefficients and the Bland-Altman Bias D were used to examine test-retest reliability. The Spearman correlation coefficients were computed to quantify the correlation between the Malay version LIFE-H 3.1 and the BI and the WHOQoL-BREF, respectively, to examine the concurrent validity of the Malay version LIFE-H 3.1. Furthermore, standard error of measurement and minimal detectable change were calculated.

    RESULTS: The Malay version LIFE-H 3.1 had excellent test-retest reliability as evidenced by good to excellent intraclass correlation coefficients (0.71-0.95) and minimal Bland-Altman biases (0.01-0.12). The correlations between the Malay version LIFE-H 3.1 and the BI were fair to good (r = 0.28-0.69). The correlations between the Malay version LIFE-H 3.1 and the WHOQoL-BREF were weak to fair, ranging from 0.02 to 0.57.

    CONCLUSIONS: The Malay version LIFE-H 3.1 demonstrates excellent test-retest reliability and satisfactory validity. This questionnaire is an appropriate tool to assess social participation in rehabilitation for native Malay language speakers.
  7. Nadarajah M, Mazlan M, Abdul-Latif L, Goh HT
    Eur J Phys Rehabil Med, 2017 Oct;53(5):703-709.
    PMID: 27768012 DOI: 10.23736/S1973-9087.16.04388-4
    BACKGROUND: Post-stroke fatigue (PSF) is a common complaint among stroke survivors and has significant impacts on recovery and quality of life. Limited tools that measure fatigue have been validated in stroke.
    AIM: The purpose of this study was to determine the psychometric properties of Fatigue Severity Scale (FSS) in patients with stroke.
    DESIGN: Cross-sectional study.
    SETTING: Teaching hospital outpatient setting.
    POPULATION: Fifty healthy controls (mean age 61.1±7.4 years; 22 males) and 50 patients with stroke (mean age 63.6±10.3 years; 34 males).
    METHODS: FSS was administered twice approximately a week apart through face-to-face interview. In addition, we measured fatigue with Visual Analogue Scale - Fatigue (VAS-F) and Short-Form Health Survey 36 version 2 vitality scale. We used Cronbach alpha to determine internal consistency of FSS. Reliability and validity of FSS were determined by intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) and Spearman correlation coefficient (r).
    RESULTS: FSS showed excellent internal consistency for both stroke and healthy groups (Cronbach's alpha >0.90). FSS had excellent test-retest reliability for stroke patients and healthy controls (ICC=0.93 and ICC=0.90, respectively). The scale demonstrated good concurrent validity with VAS-Fatigue (all r>.60) and a moderate validity with the SF36-vitality scale. Furthermore, FSS was sensitive to distinguish fatigue in stroke from the healthy controls (P<0.01).
    CONCLUSIONS: FSS has excellent internal consistency, test-retest reliability and good concurrent validity with VAS-F for both groups.
    CLINICAL REHABILITATION IMPACT: This study provides evidence that FSS is a reliable and valid tool to measure post-stroke fatigue and is readily to be used in clinical settings.

    Study site: Teaching hospital outpatient setting
  8. Goh HT, Nadarajah M, Hamzah NB, Varadan P, Tan MP
    PM R, 2016 12;8(12):1173-1180.
    PMID: 27268565 DOI: 10.1016/j.pmrj.2016.05.012
    BACKGROUND: Falls are common after stroke, with potentially serious consequences. Few investigations have included age-matched control participants to directly compare fall characteristics between older adults with and without stroke. Further, fear of falling, a significant psychological consequence of falls, has only been examined to a limited degree as a risk factor for future falls in a stroke population.

    OBJECTIVE: To compare the fall history between older adults with and without a previous stroke and to identify the determinants of falls and fear of falling in older stroke survivors.

    DESIGN: Case-control observational study.

    SETTING: Primary teaching hospital.

    PARTICIPANTS: Seventy-five patients with stroke (mean age ± standard deviation, 66 ± 7 years) and 50 age-matched control participants with no previous stroke were tested.

    METHODS: Fall history, fear of falling, and physical, cognitive, and psychological function were assessed. A χ2 test was performed to compare characteristics between groups, and logistic regression was performed to determine the risk factors for falls and fear of falling.

    MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Fall events in the past 12 months, Fall Efficacy Scale-International, Berg Balance Scale, Functional Ambulation Category, Fatigue Severity Scale, Montreal Cognitive Assessment, and Patient Healthy Questionnaire-9 were measured for all participants. Fugl-Meyer Motor Assessment was used to quantify severity of stroke motor impairments.

    RESULTS: Twenty-three patients and 13 control participants reported at least one fall in the past 12 months (P = .58). Nine participants with stroke had recurrent falls (≥2 falls) compared with none of the control participants (P < .01). Participants with stroke reported greater concern for falling than did nonstroke control participants (P < .01). Female gender was associated with falls in the nonstroke group, whereas falls in the stroke group were not significantly associated with any measured outcomes. Fear of falling in the stroke group was associated with functional ambulation level and balance. Functional ambulation level alone explained 22% of variance in fear of falling in the stroke group.

    CONCLUSIONS: Compared with persons without a stroke, patients with stroke were significantly more likely to experience recurrent falls and fear of falling. Falls in patients with stroke were not explained by any of the outcome measures used, whereas fear of falling was predicted by functional ambulation level. This study has identified potentially modifiable risk factors with which to devise future prevention strategies for falls in patients with stroke.


  9. Goh HT, Tan MP, Mazlan M, Abdul-Latif L, Subramaniam P
    J Geriatr Phys Ther, 2018 6 1;42(4):E77-E84.
    PMID: 29851747 DOI: 10.1519/JPT.0000000000000196
    BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Poor quality of life (QoL) is a well-recognized consequence after stroke. Quality of life is influenced by a complex interaction between personal and environmental factors. Most previous investigations of the QoL after stroke have focused on personal factors, for example, physical deficits directly resulting from stroke. The influence of environmental factors, including social participation, is relatively understudied partly due to its high variation across different sociocultural contexts. The purpose of this study was to investigate the determinants of QoL among older adults with stroke living in an urban area of a developing country.

    METHODS: This cross-sectional observational study included 75 older adults who were at least 3 months poststroke and 50 age-matched healthy controls. Depressive symptoms were quantified using the World Health Organization Quality of Life Brief version (WHOQoL-BREF). Physical function was examined using Functional Ambulation Category, grip strength, 5 times Sit-to-Stand test, and Box and Block tests. The Montreal Cognitive Assessment and visual-manual reaction time were used to index cognitive function. Depressive symptom was quantified using the Patient Health Questionnaire-9. The Barthel Index and Fatigue Severity Scale were used to quantify activity limitation. Social participation and environmental participation were assessed using the Assessment of Life Habit and Craig Hospital Inventory of Environment Factors, respectively. Linear stepwise regression models were used to determine explanators for WHOQoL-BREF domain scores.

    RESULTS: Individuals with stroke demonstrated significantly worse QoL on all WHOQoL-BREF domains compared with healthy controls. Stroke was a strong determinant for QoL and explained 16% to 43% of variances. Adding other outcome measures significantly improved the robustness of the models (R change = 12%-32%). The physical, psychological, social, and environmental domains of WHOQoL-BREF were all explained by the LIFE-H scores (β = -10.58, -3.37, 4.24, -5.35, respectively), while psychological, social, and environmental domains were explained by Montreal Cognitive Assessment scores (β = .47, 0.78, 0.54, respectively).

    CONCLUSION: Social participation and cognition were strong determinants of QoL among urban-dwelling older adults with stroke. Social and recreational activities and cognitive rehabilitation should therefore be evaluated as potential strategies to improve the well-being of older adults affected by stroke.

  10. Lam NW, Goh HT, Kamaruzzaman SB, Chin AV, Poi PJ, Tan MP
    Singapore Med J, 2016 Oct;57(10):578-584.
    PMID: 26768064 DOI: 10.11622/smedj.2015164
    INTRODUCTION: Hand strength is a good indicator of physical fitness and frailty among the elderly. However, there are no published hand strength references for Malaysians aged > 65 years. This study aimed to establish normative data for hand grip strength (HGS) and key pinch strength (KPS) for Malaysians aged ≥ 60 years, and explore the relationship between hand strength and physical ability.

    METHODS: Healthy participants aged ≥ 60 years with no neurological conditions were recruited from rural and urban locations in Malaysia. HGS and KPS were measured using hand grip and key pinch dynamometers. Basic demographic data, anthropometric measures, modified Barthel Index scores and results of the Functional Reach Test (FRT), Timed Up and Go (TUG) test and Jebsen-Taylor Hand Function Test (JTHFT) were recorded.

    RESULTS: 362 subjects aged 60-93 years were recruited. The men were significantly stronger than the women in both HGS and KPS (p < 0.001). The hand strength of the study cohort was lower than that of elderly Western populations. Significant correlations were observed between hand strength, and residential area (p < 0.001), FRT (r = 0.236, p = 0.028), TUG (r = -0.227, p = 0.009) and JTHFT (r = -0.927, p < 0.001).

    CONCLUSION: This study established reference ranges for the HGS and KPS of rural and urban elderly Malaysian subpopulations. These will aid the use of hand strength as a screening tool for frailty among elderly persons in Malaysia. Future studies are required to determine the modifiable factors for poor hand strength.

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