Displaying all 3 publications

  1. Heng SSL, Yahya MM, Sulaiman WAW, Saad AZM
    Int J Surg Case Rep, 2021 Mar;80:105202.
    PMID: 33500231 DOI: 10.1016/j.ijscr.2020.10.096
    INTRODUCTION: Juvenile giant fibroadenoma is a rare type of fibroadenoma characterized by rapid growth of a breast tumor in an adolescent. Benign in nature, they rarely present as fungating and ulcerating tumors. Benign tumors masquerading as malignancies are surgical conundrums. No co nsensus exists yet on the management of these cases. We aim to discuss the dilemma in managing a bleeding, fungating giant fibroadenoma in an adolescent female and highlight risks of alternative therapies.

    PRESENTATION OF CASE: A 19-year-old lady presented with a bleeding, fungating breast mass worsened with topical herbal concoction. Examination revealed a 10 × 15 cm fungating breast mass that obliterated her nipple- areolar complex (NAC). Computed Tomography (CT) scan reported a huge heterogeneously enhancing mass 10.6 × 14.5 × 15.1 cm with loss of normal fat plane with the overlying skin but a clear fat plane with the pectoralis muscle posteriorly.

    DISCUSSION: Giant breast masses that fungate and ulcerate usually indicate a sinister pathology. Traditional remedies have been reported to exacerbate growth. In cases where most of the breast parenchyma and NAC has been destroyed, it is no longer possible to proceed with breast conserving techniques. Breast reconstruction is crucial in adolescents and should be tailored to the patient's existing breast size as well as body habitus.

    CONCLUSION: In juvenile giant fibroadenomas where breast parenchyma and NAC has been destroyed, breast reconstruction is the goal. The lack of consensus in both diagnosis and management further compounds the difficulty in dealing with this sensitive population. Awareness needs to be raised regarding negative effects related to traditional medicine.

  2. Heng SSL, Gan YH, Yahya MM, Haron J, Wan Sulaiman WA
    Clin Breast Cancer, 2022 Dec;22(8):e863-e873.
    PMID: 36154798 DOI: 10.1016/j.clbc.2022.08.014
    INTRODUCTION: The impact of breast reconstruction on spinal alignment is not well studied, especially in immediate autologous breast reconstruction. Studies on body posture have shown greater asymmetry among those without reconstruction. This study compared the changes in spinal alignment pre- and post-operatively among women who underwent unilateral mastectomy without reconstruction (MA) versus immediate autologous breast reconstruction (IABR).

    METHODS: A cross sectional, retrospective study analysed MA and IABRs performed from January 2007 to December 2017 and their pre- and post-operative anterior chest radiographs. The change in Cobb's angle (degrees) less than 1 year, 1 to 2 years, more than 2 years post-operatively were analysed using GE Healthcare Centricity Picture Archive and Communications Systems.

    RESULTS: 537 patients underwent mastectomy; 76 fulfilled the inclusion criteria (36 IABR, 40 MA). No significant difference existed between mean pre- and post-operative Cobb's angle change across all 3 groups, less than 1 year (MA 3.57±3.84, IABR 3.316±2.72, p=0.81), 1 to 2 years (MA 1.84±4.81, IABR -2.68±3.21, p=0.577) and more than 2 years post-operatively (MA -1.14±5.30, IABR -0.94±5.10, p=0.898). However raw data indicated IABR improved spinal alignment in the short and intermediate period post-operatively. Among IABR, free flap breast reconstruction improved spinal alignment compared to pedicled flaps [free flaps: 2.21±3.28, pedicled flaps: 0.01±3.67 (p=0.027)].

    CONCLUSION: IABR has a positive impact on spinal alignment in early and intermediate post-operative period compared to MA, especially in women with larger breast volume. Physical benefits of IABR should be highlighted to improve patient's access to breast reconstruction globally.

  3. Heng SSL, Ganandran T, Gan YH, Mat Zain MA, Basiron N, Wan Sulaiman WA
    J Plast Reconstr Aesthet Surg, 2023 Oct;85:187-192.
    PMID: 37499560 DOI: 10.1016/j.bjps.2023.07.008
    INTRODUCTION: Tessier cleft 7 are rare craniofacial clefts. Live-birth incidence varies from 1/80,000 to 1/300,000, with the incidence of 1 in 120 craniofacial clefts among Asians. Its clinical presentation varies widely in severity, thus, complicating diagnosis and contributing to the lack of consensus regarding its surgical management. The aim of this study is to describe clinical findings, types of Tessier cleft 7 soft tissue repair, and its outcomes in Kuala Lumpur Hospital.

    METHODS: This retrospective study reviewed records of children operated from January 2001 to July 2019. Data regarding concurrent congenital anomalies, complications, type of surgery, etc., were collected from outpatient records, operative notes, and clinical photographs.

    RESULTS: Twenty-eight children were treated, and 33 clefts (5 bilateral) were repaired. The male-to-female ratio was 1.3:1 (16 males and 12 females). Twenty-three patients had unilateral clefts (82.14%), with 14 right (60.86%) and 8 left (34.78%). Bilateral clefts were less common (17.86%). Twenty-three patients (82.14%) were Malay, 3 (10.71%) Chinese, 1 (3.57%) Indian, and 1 (3.57%) Cambodian. Eleven medical records were untraceable (discontinued due to duration of inactivity). There were 10 straight-line repairs, 5 Z-plasties, and 1 W-plasty performed; 3 cases did not detail the type of repair. One child required scar revision, and 1 had hypertrophic scarring requiring corticosteroid injection-no disturbances in speech or oral incompetency while eating were reported. Duration of follow-up ranged from 3 to 14 years.

    CONCLUSION: Our center has a higher rate of Tessier cleft 7 attendance. Straight-line cutaneous repairs combined with inferior vermilion mucosal flap can be used with low rates of complication and revision surgery.

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