OBJECTIVE: The study aims to investigate the effect of the hospital nurse shift length and patient-centered care on the perceived quality and safety of nurses in the medical-surgical and multidisciplinary wards in Malaysia.
METHODS: A cross-sectional survey has been conducted on 12 hospitals in Malaysia. Data have been collected via a questionnaire. A stratified sampling has been used. The Hayes macro regression analyses have been used to examine the mediating effects of patient-centered care between the effect of working long shifts on the perceived quality and patient safety.
RESULTS: There is a significant mediation effect of patient-centered care between the effect of shift length on the perceived quality (F = 42.90, P ˂ 0.001) and patient safety (F = 25.12, P ˂ 0.001).
CONCLUSION: Patient-centered care mitigates the effect of the shift length on the care outcomes. The study provides an input for the policymakers that patient-centered care and restructuring duty hours are important to provide high-quality patient care.
Results: Of the 170 participants, 60% were female and 40% were male. Participants ranged in age from twenty-four to twenty-seven years, with an average age of twenty-four years. There was a relationship between personality scores obtained for the students and their subsequent academic performance. The broad conscientiousness, competence, achievement, and dutifulness predicted academic and clinical success. The prediction accuracy of conscientiousness was improved by the inclusion of dutifulness, self-discipline, and deliberation.
Conclusion: This study confirms that the students' personality profile is a substantial predictor of academic performance and likely to help select future intakes of students, although a prospective study would be required for a definite answer to this question.