METHODS: A retrospective study involving patients with severe haemophilia was conducted. The patient's self-reported bleeding frequency was retrieved from the patient's treatment folder from January to December 2019.
RESULTS: Fourteen patients received on-demand therapy, while the other 24 patients received prophylaxis treatment. The total number of joint bleeds in the prophylaxis group was significantly lower compared to the on-demand group (2.79 bleeds versus 21.36 bleeds [P < 0.001]). Furthermore, the total annual usage of FVIII was higher in the prophylaxis group compared to the on-demand group (1,506 IU/kg/year [± 905.98] versus 365.26 IU/kg/year [± 223.90], P = 0.001).
CONCLUSION: Prophylaxis FVIII therapy is an effective treatment in reducing the frequency of bleeding joints. However, this treatment approach is associated with high cost due to the high consumption of FVIII.
METHODS: The protocol of this systematic review was registered in PROSPERO with registration number CRD42022296638 and conducted based on PRISMA guidelines. Full articles that matched our inclusion criteria were selected using PubMed, Web of Science, and Scopus search engines and keywords such as "hip contact stress," "hip contact force," and/or "hip contact pressure." Category of factors, experimental design, results of the study, and evidence from each article were analyzed.
RESULTS: In total 7972 papers were screened, identified, and reviewed. Two independent authors read the collected fulltext of eligible articles resulting in 21 papers that fulfilled the inclusion criteria of this systematic review.
CONCLUSION: Types of physical activity (n = 21) have correlation with high hip joint contact stress in various manner. Based on the research findings obtained from various inclusion papers, it can be broadly concluded that the more intense the physical activity, such as running and stair climbing, the greater the impact on the increase in hip contact stress values. However, the reviewed studies vary in their methods. This finding suggested that this area is not well investigated and warrants future research.