Several modifiable risk factors for sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) have been identified such as sleeping prone or on the side, sleeping on a soft surface, bed-sharing, no prenatal care and maternal ante-natal smoking. A cross-sectional survey of infant sleep and care practices was conducted among parents of babies aged below 8 months to determine the prevalence and predictors of non-supine sleep position and the prevalence of other high-risk infant care practices for SIDS. Of 263 infants, 24.7% were placed to sleep in the non-supine position and age of infants was a factor positively associated with this (adjusted odds ratio 1.275, 95% CI=1.085, 1.499). The most common modifiable risk factor was the presence of soft toys or bedding in the infants' bed or cot (89.4%). Results from this study indicate that although the predominant sleep position of Malaysian infants in this population is supine, the majority of infants were exposed to other care practices which have been shown to be associated with SIDS.