Two new medium-sized whiprays, Maculabatis arabica sp. nov. and M. bineeshi sp. nov., are described from specimens collected in coastal habitats of the northern Indian Ocean, off India and Pakistan. Both species superficially resemble M. randalli (Last, Manjaji-Matsumoto & Moore), and appear to have been confused with a more widely distributed whipray M. gerrardi Gray, and another undescribed species from the Indian Ocean. Maculabatis arabica sp. nov. (attains at least 63 cm DW) is diagnosed by a combination of external characters, i.e. morphometrics (e.g. relatively short disc, narrow interspaces between paired structures on the head), squamation (relatively slow denticle development and a characteristic denticle band shape), plain dorsal disc coloration (rather than spotted), and tail light brown and banded beyond the caudal sting in juveniles but almost plain in adults. Maculabatis bineeshi sp. nov. (attains at least 66 cm DW) is diagnosed by a combination of characters, i.e. morphometrics (e.g. suboval to weakly rhombic disc in young), squamation (rapid denticle development and broad denticle band with margins truncate near pectoral-fin insertions), plain dorsal disc coloration (no white spots), and a dark blackish tail (especially in young) with weakly mottled banding on its dorsal surface beyond the caudal sting. Maculabatis arabica sp. nov. appears to be confined to the Arabian Sea (from Pakistan to western India), whereas M. bineeshi sp. nov. occurs in the Arabian Sea (off Pakistan and northwestern India) and in the Bay of Bengal (confirmed off Odisha, eastern India).
The higher-level taxonomy of the stingrays (Dasyatidae) has never been comprehensively reviewed. Recent phylogenetic studies, supported by morphological data, have provided evidence that the group is monophyletic and consists of four major subgroups, the subfamilies Dasyatinae, Neotrygoninae, Urogymninae and Hypolophinae. A morphologically based review of 89 currently recognised species, undertaken for a guide to the world's rays, indicated that most of the currently recognised dasyatid genera are not monophyletic groups. These findings were supported by molecular analyses using the NADH2 gene for about 77 of these species, and this topology is supported by preliminary analyses base on whole mitochondrial genome comparisons. These molecular analyses, based on data generated from the Chondrichthyan Tree of Life project, are the most taxon-rich data available for this family. Material from all of the presently recognised genera (Dasyatis, Pteroplatytrygon and Taeniurops [Dasyatinae]; Neotrygon and Taeniura [Neotrygoninae]; Himantura and Urogymnus [Urogymninae]; and Makararaja and Pastinachus [Hypolophinae]), are included and their validity largely supported. Urogymnus and the two most species rich genera, Dasyatis and Himantura, are not considered to be monophyletic and were redefined based on external morphology. Seven new genus-level taxa are erected (Megatrygon and Telatrygon [Dasyatinae]; Brevitrygon, Fluvitrygon, Fontitrygon, Maculabatis and Pateobatis [Urogymninae], and an additional three (Bathytoshia, Hemitrygon and Hypanus [Dasyatinae]) are resurrected from the synonymy of Dasyatis. The monotypic genus Megatrygon clustered with 'amphi-American Himantura' outside the Dasyatidae, and instead as the sister group of the Potamotrygonidae and Urotrygonidae. Megatrygon is provisionally retained in the Dasyatinae pending further investigation of its internal anatomy. The morphologically divergent groups, Bathytoshia and Pteroplatytrygon, possibly form a single monophyletic group so further investigation is needed to confirm the validity of Pteroplatytrygon. A reclassification of the family Dasyatidae is provided and the above taxa are defined based on new morphological data.