Displaying all 2 publications

  1. Alaaeddin MH, Sapuan SM, Zuhri MYM, Zainudin ES, M Al-Oqla F
    Materials (Basel), 2019 Sep 17;12(18).
    PMID: 31533207 DOI: 10.3390/ma12183007
    Photovoltaic backsheets have considerable impact on the collective performance of solar cells. Material components should withstand certain temperatures and loads while maintaining high thermal stability under various weather conditions. Solar modules must demonstrate increased reliability, adequate performance, safety, and durability throughout the course of their lifetime. This work presents a novel solar module. The module consists of an innovative polyvinylidene fluoride-short sugar palm fiber (PVDF-SSPF) composite backsheet within its structure. It was electrically and thermally evaluated. The current-voltage characteristics (I-V) were obtained using the solar module analyzer, PROVA 210PV. A thermal evaluation was accomplished using a temperature device, SDL200. The thermal test consisted of two different assessments. The first targeted the surface and backsheet of the developed module to correlate their performance from within. The second assessment compared the thermal performance of the fabricated backsheet with the conventional one. Both tests were combined into a heatmap analysis to further understand the thermal performance. Results revealed that the developed module exhibited reasonable electrical efficiency, achieving appropriate and balanced I-V curves. PVDF-SSPF backsheets proved to be thermally stable by displaying less heat absorbance and better temperature shifts. Additional research efforts are highly encouraged to investigate other characteristics. To enhance performance, further analyses are needed such as the damp heat analysis, accelerated aging analysis, and heat dissipation phenomena.
  2. Alaaeddin MH, Sapuan SM, Zuhri MYM, Zainudin ES, M Al-Oqla F
    Materials (Basel), 2019 Jun 29;12(13).
    PMID: 31261926 DOI: 10.3390/ma12132104
    Photovoltaic module backsheets are characterized according to their thermal, optical, mechanical, and technical properties. This work introduces new fabricated backsheets for PV modules using polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) reinforced with short sugar palm fiber (SSPF) composites. The preparation of composites undergoes multiple phases of fabrication. Thermal, optical, and technical investigations of their properties were conducted. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), Raman spectroscopy, in-situ scanning probe microscopy (SPM), dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA), thermal mechanical analysis (TMA), thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), and prolonged technical testing were accomplished to expansively understand the complex behavior of composites under various conditions. The optical properties of PV backsheets are critical components in determining the reflectance, absorbance, and transmittance of light. The PVDF-SSPF composites exhibited exceptional compatibility and thermal stability, further revealing a homogenous composite structure with enhanced interfacial bonding between the short fiber and polymer matrix.
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