Artikel ini memerihalkan konsep '1Malaysia' dalam konteks pendidikan untuk memenuhi hasrat negara agar memungkinkan kesejahteraan psikologi dalam pelaksanaan konsep '1 Malaysia'. Berdasarkan kepada tema, 'Rakyat Didahulukan, Pencapaian Diutamakan ', Perdana Menteri Malaysia menyarankan bahawa perpaduan rakyat amat membantu dalam menyokongkan budaya kecemerlangan di kalangan penduduk Malaysia yang berbilang kaum. Ini bermaksud kepelbagaian dikekalkan melalui penglibatan semua penduduk Malaysia dalam usaha untuk melaksanakan transformasi Negara. Pendidikan juga ditugaskan untuk meningkatkan mutu pengetahuan rakyat dan membolehkan mereka untuk menghayati nilai utama asas '1Malaysia' serta bergerak maju kehadapan dengan semangat meninggikan kualiti kesejahteraan kehidupan rakyat. Dengan ini, kualiti kehidupan rakyat dapat mencerminkan kesejahteraan psikologi. Selain itu, cadangan penambaikan untuk memungkinkan kesejahteraan psikologi dalam pelaksanaan konsep '1Malaysia' dengan transformasi negara juga dibincangkan.
This study compared parenting across four non-Western cultures to test cross-cultural commonality and specificity principles in three aspects: measurement properties, parenting normativeness, and their associations with child outcomes. Both mothers and fathers (N = 1509 dyads) with preschool-aged children (M = 5.00 years; 48% girls) from urban areas of four countries (Malaysia, N = 372; China, N = 441; Turkey, N = 402; and Japan, N = 294) reported on four parenting constructs (authoritative, authoritarian, group harmony socialization, and intrusive control) and their sub-dimensions using modified culturally relevant measures. Teachers reported on children's internalizing, externalizing, and prosocial behaviors. The commonality principle was supported by two sets of findings: (1) full measurement invariance was established for most parenting constructs and sub-dimensions, except that intrusive control only reached partial scalar invariance, and (2) no variations were found in associations between parenting and any child outcomes across cultures or parent gender at the construct level for all four parenting constructs and at the sub-dimensional level for authoritarian and intrusive control sub-dimensions. The specificity principle was supported by the other two sets of findings: (1) cross-cultural differences in parenting normativeness did not follow the pattern of economic development but yielded culture-specific patterns, and (2) at the sub-dimensional level, the authoritative parenting and group harmony socialization sub-dimensions were differently associated with child outcomes across cultures and/or parent gender. The findings suggested that examining specific dimensions rather than broad parenting constructs is necessary to reflect cultural specificities and nuances. Our study provided a culturally-invariant instrument and a three-step guide for future parenting research to examine cross-cultural commonalities/specificities. RESEARCH HIGHLIGHTS: This is the first study to use an instrument with measurement invariance across multiple non-Western cultures to examine the commonality and specificity principles in parenting. Measurement invariance was achieved across cultures for authoritative and authoritarian parenting, group harmony socialization, intrusive control, and their sub-dimensions, supporting the commonality principle. Cross-cultural differences in parenting normativeness did not follow the pattern of economic development but yielded culture-specific patterns, supporting the specificity principle. Both commonalities and specificities were manifested in associations between parenting and child outcomes across cultures.