A prospective study was carried out in the Maternity Hospital, Kuala Lumpur over a 2-year period. During this time, 52,379 deliveries took place. 36 neonates (0.7 per 1000 births) were found to have congenital dislocation of the hips (CDH) by both the Ortolani and Barlow's manoeuvre. CDH was most common in the females (female to male ratio was 2.3:1), the first borns (50% of the affected cases) and babies who had breech delivery (10.7 per 1000 births). In 21 (58.3%) of the affected neonates, CDH occurred in both hips. According to the classification of newborn infants' hips by Finlay et al, 88.9% of the neonates had unstable hips while 8.3% had pathological hips. Family history of CDH was present in 5% of the patients. 8 (22.2%) of the neonates had other associated congenital abnormalities.