The presence of thrombus within the inferior vena cava (IVC) is often a sign of advance hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). Various treatment methods have been described with variable and inconclusive results. Now, the advancement of endovascular approach offers new possibility as a potential treatment modality. We discuss the removal of tumour thrombus with catheter directed mechanical thrombectomy. IVC tumour secondary HCC was removed by AngioJet® rheolytic system (Possis Medical, Minneapolis, MN, USA) with good result. Further work should be encouraged to explore the prospect of this technique with other treatment modalities.
Right iliac fossa pain can often be misdiagnosed as something sinister or benevolent despite assistance with state of the art imaging techniques. This is particularly more challenging in the female gender whereby the error of managing a right iliac fossa pain may approach forty percent. A 66-year-old lady, ten years post-menopause, presented with a week history of progressively worsening right iliac fossa pain. Malignancy was suspected with a palpable abdominal mass. Computed tomography was suggestive of an abscess collection, but a needle aspirate produced brown faecal material suggestive of a diverticulitis. An exploratory appendisectomy revealed a non malignant appendicular abscess. In conclusion, when clinical and imaging assessments are inconclusive, an exploratory laparotomy for a surgical excision is warranted primarily if malignancy is suspected.
Patient positioning is a vital in ensuring patient comfort, dignity and good access to
the operative site. Accurate positioning helps in minimising the risk of injury to the
patient. An in-house airbag made from recyclable medical supplies can be used
to replace the conventional sandbag for head and neck surgeries. It involves the
use of an empty irrigation bottle, a valve and suction tubing. Its shape and volume
is readily adjustable by altering the volume of inflated air. Moreover, compressible
air moulds the bag to the curvature of the patient’s external surface reducing the
risk of pressure sores in prolonged surgery. Ultimately this serves as an innovative technique which is financially savvy with the use of recyclable items.